Sombra's Nerf from a Sombra player

Because that’s literally all she has going for her? Her DPS is mediocre, the rest of her kit offers no in-fight utility, her stealth capabilities are iffy at best, her ult charge has been nerfed and already doesn’t work well without extensive teamplay.

Hack is only “really powerful” against a handful of characters, and there’s no reason it shouldn’t be, against everyone else it just makes a level playing field, that’s it. I agree it needed to be toned down in the form of removing the LoS bypass and the grace period. Not this stupid 2s interruption cooldown.

Indeed, hack has counter play, but ask someone who plays against Sombra how they feel with it and I’m sure they would not say it’s easy.

It’s not about how it feels, it’s about how it is. The facts are that Hack arguably has the MOST counterplay of any ability. Especially with her loss of a grace period.

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Depends on what you’re playing. Other than Sombra, I like to play Orisa, Pharah, Zen and Tracer and I’d say it’s reasonable for a pure disruptor to be this disruptive.

Truly ? Take Rez and compare it to hack. How easy is it to pull off a successful hack right now and get away with it than pull of a successful Rez ?

I mean if you look at my OP you’ll l see that I don’t disagree with you, in fact I say that an ability can be op without the hero being so, I then went on to elaborate that Sombra’s stats suggest that she isn’t currently OP then suggested couple of “buffs” to go along with the incoming nerfs to avoid taking her pickrate back down to the very bottom of the barrel.
Not once did I ask for the nerfs to be reconsidered, infact I think the Los one is actually fair and needed.

Because the abilities aren’t comparable in the slightest… Disabling someone’s abilities for 6 seconds is not even remotely comparable to restoring a 5v6 to a 6v6. Especially not when one requires actual stuns or a kill to counter it, and one requires a sneeze in their vague direction.

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It does not give a guaranteed benefit.

They may be used a lot, but most hacks do not get capitalized. If you want to ‘tone it down’ give something in return that guarantees success.

I been suggesting this from the old forum! This makes so much sense.

True enough, but hack can completely lock out a Lucio or a Tracer out of a fight for it’s duration as they’re not bringing any value to the team. Rez is just something you can perform after a fight,not in the middle of it. Not unless you want to be eaten alive.

Again, counters exist. And you can perform Rez midfight with a little planning. And as Hajile pointed out, Rez will guarantee value every time you pull it off, because another teammate in the fight is always good, Hack on the other hand can be 100% wasted, and the new focus on Sombra will make it impossible to get another chance without a full retreat.

But do all abilities guarantee success ? You speak as though Sombra has one of the most horrid abilities in the game and how literally everyone else is a guaranteed success. If an Ana cannot land her sleep dart, then there’s no CC for you.

A mid-fight Rez takes teamwork. Sombra needs a lot of it, as far as I can remember.

Except Sleep can set you up for what is effectively a 1-shot combo resulting in instant death. Hack can’t. Hack can’t do anything but remove abilities as a crutch to rely on. As long as you have decent aim, it doesn’t matter if you’re hacked unless you’re playing a heavily ability reliant character, in which case, you got countered. You don’t see Winston’s going to the forums complaining Reaper’s super OP.

Often times, yes. So why are we nerfing her already minimal 1v1 potential with this hack nerf?

I don’t think Sombra was ever created with an intention of being a duelist hero like McCree.

She was created with the intention of getting in the backlines and picking out key targets while providing utility support to her team.

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She technically is because she’s a disrupting flanker who’s kinda bad at her job

Then perhaps you should focus more on that then having your own 1v1’s. A Rein would be eaten alive if he abandoned his team to chase after someone he wishes to kill. Sombra is a team hero, I believe she is one of the hardest to maximise her full potential. I remember someone saying that Sombra needs a lot of teamwork to play, as a return, she also needs a lot of teamwork to play against.

No other ability takes that much work to actually work.

To elaborate on the video. That Sombra likely setup behind us in the underpass, but she knew just going up against me there would be suicide, so she used her translocator to get up above us, essentially giving up her escape for high ground. It was technically a good position to hack, but failed in the followthrough, ended up just giving away her position and was chased down.

That took her a long time to setup, much longer and complicated than it would have taken Tracer to just blink around her target and kill like usual. It got her three tries, only one succeeded, and it got her killed, all that time spent setting up wasted.

When Sombra is setting up her attack, her team is a man down. To make Sombra work, your team has to be able to go toe to toe in a 5v6 fight. Otherwise, by the time Sombra is actually ready to fight, her team’s already lost the fight.