Sombra's EMP cast time and the possible reaction time

EDIT: Cast time of EMP is 0.18s for it’s effect to kick in. So we talk only about hack now! cause 0.18s is already the audio delay.

Ok, lets start the Conversation why it is nearly impossible to react to Sombra’s EMP even when clearly hearing it.

Lets start with a short fact check on EMP:
It has a cast time of 0.5s, means 500ms, lasts for 6s and has a range of 15m.

So let’s look at some special numbers you propably didn’t know:
You can react on a average of 200ms to 250ms on visual stimulus, the aditory stimulus has a reaction time of avery 150ms, as i read. I tested myself and i had a average of 230ms.

All Tests are done in 60Hz
For that test i later will try different distances, right now we talk about direct emp next to you (behind).

Now comes the interesting part: As tested by some youtuber’s OW has a audio delay of average 180ms! That seems to be normal for games, Dolby Atmos settings seem to change basically nothing on audio delay.

Ok, now we have some numbers, lets do the math. We use a average ping of 23ms for that on sombras side and on the other side, that makes an average delay of 50ms from shooting and receiving. Thats just OW delay, netcode. (The 50 are average measured by some people, i just picked one value, there are many tests floating around with this numbers or close to it.)
Ok, now add this numbers up:

To clarify, i yet need to test if the audio delay of OW is added on top of Network delay, but i assume it does in this results here.

We got our Sombra(We assume she has 1hp) that’s emping behind a Zarya:
50ms till the emp gets to the Zarya, Important, the Game favors the shooter, you will see why this is important later.
Now add to the 50ms the avg audio delay of 180ms and we have 230ms.
Add to this 230ms the 20ms of input lag, and thats 250ms.
Turning around will def take me another 200ms at least, i measured with 900fps and i’m not a fast reaction type player that leaves us to a whole 50ms to really react to emp.

Interestingly i had a other one testing it a little bit with me today and after 130ms the EMP came before i could hear it, so it was impossible to me to react to EMP in time, i artificially increased ping.

I would like to test that in a more complete fashion but need help from some people. If there’s interest:
I’m searching two low ping, around 10-20ms players, 2 high ping, around 100ms players, an EU and a US Player. All of them should be cabaple of recording video at atleast 60hz and if we test visually at atleast 240fps. That gives us a error margin of about 5ms. I hope someone can help me with that and understand the audio delay in OW and its implications on hack and emp. It’s not specific to them, but that are the ones that gain the most out of it.

EDIT: evtl. we wait till the new replay system is up, cause that could give me the opportunity to test it in a game for my own from different perspectives.


Someone did a test and the actual emp effect is applied way faster than 0.5 seconds. 0.5 seconds is the duration of her self disable but not the actual emp.
EMP's casttime is 0.2s [Workshop/Video Proove]


ok, that’s explaining why i found that in a rare case i got emped before the sound came up, do you have the number? If not i’m trying to measure it myself :smiley:

Edit: I got your link at the end lol.

added the link and it’s in the title of the link.

yeah saw it.
That acutally makes it impossible to react to it when behind or next to you and makes it impossible for most in view.

It’s almost as if you’re not supposed to react to it, but predict it and/or see the translocator or Sombra decloaking first.


Wouldn’t 0.5 seconds be 500 ms? If that’s what you’re trying to say. With the actual value it’d be 180 ms.

millisecond is a thousandth of a second so divide any seconds value by 1000 to get milliseconds.

i know? The 50ms are the network delay :smiley: till the game clients are in sync.

I thought you meant the cast time.

Fun fact, these reaction times are to an anticipated, simple stimulus requiring a simple response.

When you start complicating things, reaction times extend quite a bit.

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nah, the cast time is acutally not included in this calculation. only at the end, but you already showed that with 0.18s cast time, and a audio delay of 0.18s on avg in OW it’s impossible to counter a 1hp sombra by turning around and shooting her. Now that test would be interesting for only hack. EMP got uncounterable by this, it’s only luck if you counter it.

i know :smiley: i just made it simpler as this is already enough to show that it is near impossible if it would be 500ms till hacked. I actually saw that myself, when i get the sound unprepared it takes me like 400-500ms to even start turning :smiley:

EMP is not meant to be reacted to. You’re meant to counter it with positioning and prediction.

That’s not the debate, some used it and said: Just stop it when she casts it. It can be stunned. Yes it can be stunned… But not by audio, you basically have a tiny little timeframe. The rest is predicition and luck that this prediction was right. But i didn’t only mention EMP, it would be interesting to her hack too. I can continue in trying to get this numbers in noumerous different situations. As of right now, my time left to interrupt it is 250ms for me. But that’s not perfectly tested, it was just a quick test.

Whatever, it has range. And it isnt cancelled by shooting her. That is powerful enough. Ask pharah

I’m not only talking about EMP, EMP is just much easier to test. Hack can be tested the same way.

I think I’m confused about the point of your thread then.

It’s too hard to counter hack by hearing, or emp. The only cues you get from her. It would be interesting to check how much time after decloaking she needs to start emp or hack.

And my point was that you’re not meant to. I’m confused why my statement isn’t valid.

did i say it’s not valid? i said that i also talk about hack. And you didn’t say anything about that, or is this also not ment to be countered? :wink:

I guess I must’ve misinterpretted:

I thought the debate was just on the reactability of EMP.