Are you able to cancel emp

its like 0.18 cast time I believe. So no you can’t really cancel it unless you are quite lucky.

Do you have like a link to a vid or something (I searched it and I couldn’t find anything)

Yes, but the time window is very small.

if you re fast (like rly fast) and play one finger on your ult button you have time to trans but not to stun cause stun animation are longer than emp cast time. But you can make prediction and stun when you saw a translocator beeing throw over your team or hear visibility signal come behind you.

Is there any cast animation that is shorter than emp?

these two posts kind of talk about it. The actual EMP part of EMP comes out 0.18 seconds after the button is pressed and the second one talks about average reaction times and stuff. So really, it’s not realistic to cancel it unless you’re already staring right at her and even then you’ve got an incredibly small window to cancel it.
EMP's casttime is 0.2s [Workshop/Video Proove]
Sombra's EMP cast time and the possible reaction time - #2 by Terranguard-11978

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or unless your just a god.

So it is pretty much impossible to cancel it unless the Sombra is right in front of you and you can predict the ult coming before they know they will use their ult right then.


Kinda. It’s pretty dumb.

yeah exactly this, the only plays in OWL when a sombra’ emp is disrupted is due a Brig or a Mc Cree used their stun against other enemy and the sombra had the bad luck of coincide with the trajectory.

It is really hard to spot and cancel sombra.

*bzzzzt “gotcha”
Oh well, Here it comes…

Do you know if emp can go threw Shields cause if it does that might be better than shatter.

ofc its near impossible, the only way you can predict she is going to emp and interrupt her, its when the sombra literally launch her translocator right in front of the other team, where everyone can see her, otherwise, from behind, sides or upside its impossible to know. and decent sombras know this.

yeah it can destroy any shield in any direction, bypass shields and hack people behind them, destroy any shield and hack everything in her radius of action. the only way is staying very very far of your team or hide behind a wall, but if a pixel of your butt shows behind the corner, is enough to be affected.

It sounds like it is better than a shatter (except for a 6k one)

0.18 seconds cast time. You have to hit her in 0.17 or less or it goes through

anyone can interrupt/kill her in that time… thats the people says who defend that utimate.

That’s almost impossible. Most Sombra will ult at full health but even then you have to kill her somehow in .18 seconds.

for reference Bastion cannot even kill her that fast with every bullet landing from 0 seconds to 0.18.

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In the lore t says he shoots 1000 bullets a second, I wish the game was like the lore.