Sombra's current state is unacceptable: A bug list

The darkly humorous thing is that if they go to the effort of merging all the Sombra threads together then that would actually serve as proof that they notice them, which is more than they’ve done so far.


See, here’s the thing, they only listen to pro players currently. And sombra players can’t go pro if she’s too bad to be played.
Pretty sneaky sis!

It’s possible they were worried Sombra would impact Baguette too much so sent her back to F tier prior to her introduction, just like Roadhog was butchered before the Doomfist release.

I just love how people complain about sombra, her not being fun, get taking away control. Meanwhile briggite is in game stuns and kills you, doomfist is getting buffed to survive even better( doom fist uppercuts, ground slams take away control as well making you sitting duck while you are in air) but they are fine… Such hypocrisy from both devs and community. Blizzard just wants her be forgotten and community just whines while all she does is take abilities away from short duration not even control unlike brig and doom. Her weapon is weak unless its up in your face and stealth is announced by scream yet somehow shes apparently OP even with huge bug list.


There have been tons of topics, complaining about Sombra. The developers could not care less. We should make one MEGA thread to get their attention.

Here’s a list of Sombra’'s bugs on top of OPs list, which I’m definitely not gonna add to my list when I get to a computer A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #41 by JonTheWizard-1385

The devs really should pay more attention to sombra after specifically telling the community they would do so…

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These arent even rare bugs. These happen in every effing game and it can ruin matches


And that’s not even mentioning her terrible damage (seriously, her damage needs to be, like, doubled), the fact her decloak can be heard from too far away (15 meters is too far, drop that to 5), and just the fact that she needs her teammates to do the one thing you know they can’t: pay attention.

Thank you for keeping the sombra posts up.

“When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”


I like to play Sombra very much, and she IS viable, but those hack breaks are kinda frustrating bit too much.

I get it what Blizz wanted to do with her because nobody likes to get hacked and tanks like it the least and I as Sombra target tanks mainly so they made my life harder to execute a hack but when I do it’s impactful.

But you know that you sneak behind that Reinhardt preparing for a big play and you start hacking him and in the last half of a second he jumps or someone gets in the way so hack stops and changes target or something. Those situations are just nasty because like I thought hard of positioning, timing etc. and when I get opportunity of making a play it just breaks for no real reason. It’s not that someone started shooting at me or anything, game just bugs it out. Hack is kind of like dice nowadays, if you get 1-5 it works fine but if you get that 6 it ain’t gonna work for no real reason

Currently it is really so frustrating to play her. It’s the first time since more than a year that I think about just not playing her anymore at all.

It feels so bad when hack breaks because somebody is jumping or DF using uppercut or smth like this. Especially because it even breaks when you track them perfectly during the hack attempt.


we guys are fools to love her. I am a fool to love her. why can’t i just move on from this game. If my boyfriend break up with me I might have some mental issue then.

I honestly refuse to believe they aren’t seeing any of this. They are intentionally ignoring it.

Let me see if this works. JEFF KAPLAN! AND THE DEV TEAM! There. I called out a dev. Now ban me mods. But before you do, make sure some dev actually reads this thread.

Edit: can someone report this reply to make sure the mods sees this?


She has many other bugs too.

Camera bug, where the translocator will reset your camera if you turn it just before translocating.

The infamous camera spin bug that happens the first time you use your translocator = after a death where you tried to translocate and rubber banded back.

This new bug where invis sometimes will get cancelled mid-cast if you translocate immediately after activating it

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Upvoted for visibility even if I have no knowledge of how hero works since I am not a player.

Good luck on your journey, Sombra mains.


Oh they absolutly know about the Sombra bugs, but hey, look, we release a nendoroid Sombra for 50 bucks instead of fixing her bugs.

Thank you for being prepared to sacrifice yourself, comrade. I shall stand with you. Jeff Kaplan, Geoff Goodman and co., get in here and read!

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Can you please add “bug list” or something into the title? Might improve visibility.

Dude every character in this game has a problem with bugs especially Reinhardt she is no exception.