Sombra's current state is unacceptable: A bug list

Yes because shatter not hitting when it should, charges instead of pinning throwing targets away to safety definitely will not make you lose the fight or even the game. don’t get me wrong i want her and a LOT of other heroes fixed in the game especially the ult garbage thing they did that when you press Q you lose it instantly because in some cases your ult should have been casted but because you died it just goes “puff” midair.

If they did, he wouldn’t be the single most important hero to have selected on your team right now.

So, is Sombra at the bottom of the barrel because of her bugs? Or because she needs a buff?

Both. She needs her bugs fixed, a damage buff and a tighter weapon spread.

That was meant for Drazan, he’s claiming that the hero at the bottom is just as viable as the one at the top.

Yeah, but I want to add my two cents.

Sombra’s damage is so bad you’d do more damage falling on a butter knife! Sombra’s weapon spread is so severe that Stormtroopers are looking at her and telling her she needs to learn to aim!

It’s sad Sombra has been in this state since the knee jerk reaction from pro players.

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I don’t think her damage is that bad to be honest. What matters is that Hack should be a more effective and reliable use of her engagement time, right now that’s not the case.

Obviously all the armour around since Brigitte doesn’t help her, and i guess that’s not going away but there must be another way to fix that than raw DPS.

Bugs and buffs one thing that blizzard did wrong with her was buffing to a point where she was “viable” but incredibly frustrating to play against and soon after nerf her to a point where she is useless and add tons of glitches with it. Why can’t she be on the edge of viable in a lot of situations and less frustrating to play against?

You da real MVP - 20 characters

The PTR bug where Sombra’s Translocator does not despawn when landing in a death pit has been fixed.

Edit because it won’t let me double post: New bug found by WorstSombra. Hacking a health pack on the PTR, letting the hack expire, then hacking it again results in a red particle effect and sugar skull. This makes it look like the pack has been hacked by an enemy (and thus unusable).

To be honest I would like to find a way to abuse bug #4 where I can get a hack instantly the moment I press it. I bet if people find a way to do that they would work much harder on trying to get rid of these bugs.

The latest PTR update has some bugfixes listed for Sombra, including LOS for hack breaking on small objects such as lamp posts.

It breaks my heart knowing that Sombra has been in f-tier for nearly two years, and the one time she was good, she got nerfed because some whiny pros didn’t like getting hacked.

I’m still salty over the whole ordeal.

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Yep. OWL ruined her slightest reminiscence of balance.