Sombra's ability Nerfs are blatantly unjust (200+ likes!?!)

I have it on max, still it isn’t enough. Unlike on PC we get one whole finger to aim with, instead of a useless hand. Not to mention it makes it hard to aim due to how hard it is to make a small movements with it. I’m trash, I know, but this is a problem I think a lot of console players have. So time to turn around +aiming time+ reaction time > hack time. for me and other people at least.

Haven’t played on console so I couldn’t say, but I doubt you aren’t lacking in the department

I am like on my 3rd prestige plus my old account of which I forgot the password for (I think it was 87 , no prestige). have played since September 2016. When I play Sombra, I almost always get the hack off, even if I’m not right behind them. Only a few times where another hero noticed be and sprayed at me.

wtf are you talking about? prestige?

The stars. It’s called prestige I think.

Oh, that’s your levels. But they don’t alter your gameplay lol

yeah but its like, experience in the game and things, I know what I’m doing, for the most part

I mean yes, but you could also gain reaction speed from other games. Or perhaps life?

oh no, 2 second cooldown on one of the most powerful abilities in the game??? woe is me!

They should get rid of the interrupt and just make the ability Ana’s Sleep Dart. You need to land Sleep Dart to hack someone, how’s that sound? Oh, you need it to be an easy auto lock ability? I’m so sorry.

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No I can react fast enough but the turn speed, Jesus Christ its so bad, even with max sensitivity. If I could change the sensitivity of the controller itself I would , but I can’t. And it’s so hard to aim with a single thumb

12 does nothing and 25 really isnt asking for much I pulled statistics to show you how easy it would be to reach 25 damage from various characters.

D.Va: Fusion Cannons: 0.6–2 damage, 11 per shot % ammo (THIS CANCELS HACK!?!)
Mccree: Peackeeper - 17-70 depending on range (he will not be hitting 17 from sombras hack distance)
Reaper: Hellfire Shotguns 2-7 damage per pellet 20 per shot (thats 4 pellets at optimal range out of 20, 16 pellets if hes trying to snipe)
Sombra: Machine Pistol 2.4 - 8 damage (its pretty fricken weak cause RNG throws the bullets all over while tracking)
Tracer: Pulse Pistols 3 - 12 per shot (she empties her clip very fast accurately “on-clipping” is a term you should know with her.)
Bastion: Recon 6-20 damage depending on range (4-2 shots)
Sentry: 4-15 range (6-2 shots in the rapid fire mode that spews bullets every)
D.Va: Light Gun - 14 damage (2 shots)
Doomfist: Hand Cannon 6 damage x 11 pellets (4 pellets need to land)
Genji: Suriken - 28 damage
Orisa: Fusion Driver - 11 damage (3 pellets)
Zenyatta: Orb of Destruction primary and alternate fire
Orisa: Fusion Driver primary fire
Hanzo: Storm Bow - 29 damage without a charge (1 shot)
Torbjörn: Rivet Gun primary - 70 damage
alternate fire (subject to damage falloff): 6-15 per pellet, 10 pellets per shot (needs to land 2-4 pellets)
Zarya: Particle Cannon: 95 damage per second +1% per point of energy (basically needs to hold it on her for less then half a second and if she has any energy it’s bypass the threshold instantly
alternate fire: 95 per second +1% per point of energy

25hp for a damage threshold isn’t really much IF this nonsense cooldown needs to stay. Keep in mind these are body shots, if you headshot theres a multiplier.

Thats why i want to say 50 originally but the masses will never agree to that but i should have just proved that 25 is perfectly reasonable, except for maybe D.Va meka, but its literally a machine a human can pilot, makes sense Sombra could hack it easily.

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I played Bastion when he had interrupts on self repair. It was so dumb: I want to heal if I’m taking damage, but if I heal it gets interrupted by damage.

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If you think that purposeful shots should still not cancel the hack then you are very biased. Yes ,she needs a damage threshold, but if a tracer notices you as you are hacking her, turns around and shoots you, it should end. Now if you are hacking the tracer but a D.VA a long distance away from her is just spamming and a single pellet hits you, then it should not cancel. But a few random pellets will never deal 12 damage if its just spam. Also if you just position yourself properly then this should be enough. It is just above half a second, if you are unable to take less than 12 damage for half a second then , I’m sorry but, you aren’t good. Maybe learn to position properly so a shot from a soldier spamming won’t hit you. I think there should be a threshold, but not 25 damage. You can also see if someone is spamming,so i don’t know what you are thinking when you sand in front of them trying to hack someone.
Your stupid statistics only come into effect if someone is actively TRYING to hit you.

Also Torb’s turret should cancel it as I’m pretty sure Torbjorn is supposed to be a counter to her.

Also the ability is a lock on, is activated after .65 secs and effectively brings someone out of the fight for 5 seconds. Hack the right person and the fight is won, AKA the big hammer man. And it’s only on an 8 second cool down.

By adding a small threshold they can bring her up by giving other buffs, like move movement speed, less delays, a bit more damage.
Sorry for the jumbled post but It’s hot and I got like 5 hours of sleep last night.

I see a lot of replies here arguing in favour of the pros who complained about the new hack.

Just know OP, I agree with you in regards to the nerf being a knee-jerk reaction.

The nerf/changes (2s CD & LoS) was far too soon and far too buggy. Just like Brigitte, everyone was up in fits complaining about the hero for weeks, before everyone finally learned how to work with/against it and moved on, but we didnt get that time with Sombra… Of course, there was a minor balance tweak too Brigitte’s ult armour and her shield CD, however these changes didn’t effect the reliability of her abilities, but their effectiveness.

Sombra’s changes were the opposite to this where the changes have drastically reduced the reliability of Sombra’s already volatile kit, rendering her redundant in so many scenarios.

I was a proud Sombra main prior to her “buffs”, but the mess they made of her since then has only deterred me from her and now I rarely pick her, or have any success with her kit.


I agree on this. I don’t understand why they are so afraid to use Athena’s voice for practical uses. You already break logic with her talking about stopping payloads, Unlock objectives. Just have her say things like: “Hack disrupted” For the enemy: “Hack in progress. Systems offline, rebooting” Her hack indications are crappy on both sides.

Agreed. I laughed when people said that she was spamming the ability as it take no skill.

The 2 second delay needs to be removed.


Did you even play Sombra during the buffs? It is a LOCK ON ability, on an 8 second CD that effectively took people out of the fight for 5 seconds. It also didn’t end upon losing LOS. There was absolutely no downside to using it and if they missed so much as 3 shots (in Soldier 76’s case) you could hack them. There was no downside and was too powerful. If you can, please name some downsides that outweigh all of these things.

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if they have no direct effect on enemy team why are you considering hack an oppressive ability. if taking them away have no impact on neither team you should be fine with sombra being able to disable them.

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So powerful that her pick rates and win rates still consistently dropped :roll_eyes:

Her downside is her gun and the fact that it does the lowest damage and has STILL the highest spread. All hacking does, especially towards other DPS, is out them on her level.

Even then, Sombra mains suggested takeout the .1 second leniency away.

If you think THIS mess that she’s in is justified… I don’t even know what to say to you.


I meant downsides of the hack. Her gun is bad, yes, I know that. I do think she needs buffs. She needs a small damage threshold, and maybe more movement speed and damage. That is what I would give her. Maybe even decrease the delay on her stealth when going out of it. I played her a bit during the OP version of her and I could get the hacks off no problem, and it was the easiest thing I have ever done. . Bye bye Reinhardt, so long Lucio!