Sombra's ability Nerfs are blatantly unjust (200+ likes!?!)

Her weapon spread isn’t in control of the player, it’s pure RNG, there’s no level of skill of tracking that changes that.

I completely agree her problems go beyond bugs, I’ve said exactly that - it’s the arbitrary shackles she wears in the name of “counterplay” that leave her CC’d from the slightest of damage, whether delivered with intent or not.


If your enemy is completely fine and has no right to complain after being stripped of their abilities and restricted to primary fire, the same argument can apply to Sombra. Your argument before the nerf was “just shoot her,” so my argument for you is now “just don’t get shot, have good positioning.”

This is actually pretty clever.
Shields and the regeneration of them are already in the game so it’s probably not that hard to implement either.
Random pellets problem solved but still possible to counter.
I wouldn’t mind if they keep the 2 second cooldown because it’s “fair game” then imo.

Which is exactly what needs to be fixed. People do not realize how not having appropriate animations for different events can make or break an experience. Along with those terrible LoS checks it makes her janky to play.

exactly they made it so she doesnt have hard OR soft counter EVERY character in the game counters her, and when 27/27 characters counter you (including herself) you win/loss rate is gonna drastically drop. They people you USED to counter are now YOUR counters. how can you win with the stacks against you. You basically have to be carried and play as a support without healing (besides healthpack) to get a win.

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How about this? You can skip to my Solutions section for Hack. :smiley:

So? She still has to waste time getting into range of her target. Once she does, you can hear her footsteps. With your logic, crouching should be outlawed since it masks footsteps.

Wrong. All passives related to movement are disabled. Apples to oranges.

Then don’t. Change your lineup like we players have been expected to do from the very start of the game’s release. If you want to be stubborn and stick with your choices, at least change your playstyle, but people don’t want to do that either.

Good thing it’s not, then. Damage, from the very start, has been be a means of stopping a hack attempt. The problem here is that the odds are way too skewed towards Sombra’s targets thanks to the latest round of nerfs. Terrain is meant to be used. Unlike shields, terrain doesn’t break no matter how many bullet are pumped into it. You are expected to abuse terrain to conserve shield strength as a tank and break sight lines. In fact, it makes little sense to not abuse terrain.


Stop with your lies.

It has been from the very start. However, it’s been an even bigger counter with nothing to compensate for it.

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“JUsT DoN’t GeT SHoT”

“JUsT DoN’t GeT SHoT”

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Sombra need buff and faster. She is the only one who can withstand the shields-meta


Considering that she is quiet outside of 15m and her hack has a range of 15m I do not find this that big a deal. De-cloak at 16m and move ONE meter. So hard right?

Where on earth did you draw the conclusion that I said being quiet is overpowered? lol.

Active passives ARE the movement passives btw. Or more accurately, control passives. Any passive that can be controlled or manipulated is disabled on hack. Which makes them active passives. Then there are non-control passives that the player cannot manipulate in anyway. So they are not active passives.

Got me?

Clearly not following the string of conversation. The person I was addressing pretty much said that barriers and cover should be the only means of countering hack. This is obsurd. If those are the only means of countering hack then how would NOT using barriers be a good idea? How would you adapt to hack if only cover and barriers were a consistent means of blocking it?

Even the pro’s would be unable to because cover is depend on the objective and map. Making Sombra egregiously overpowered on those maps and still way to oppressive on others.

Cool. Stopping hack requires way above average accuracy or one of the few no aim hero’s with a long enough range to stop it. Guess Moira is going to be the ONLY counter to sombra’s hack worth choosing as every other hero will not be able to consistently stop her considering the range she has on hack. Compromise. Make hacks range 5m. Then I will consider damage an actual counter.

Fact is that without the 2 second cooldown sombra remains unpunished for failing to get a hack in. Any hero with a lower fire rate, limited range, high accuracy requirement, and etc would not be able to stop her EVER if she did not have this nerf.

Look a reaction chart that does not consider accuracy, geometry, the range limitations on the hero you are playing or any other variable. This is totally proving your point /s

Including the statistics for one variable and excluding all the others I have talked about only strengthens my point. Someone can react fast. But how consistently they react fast AND be accurate? Can they even reach sombra in time with their weapon or reach her at all? If they do reach her what punishment has she recieved? She can just go at it again since damage would not put it on cooldown.

Which once again places geometry as the only true counter which in of itself is not always an option. Making her to powerful.

Because damaging her prevented her from IMMEDIATELY attempting a hack again right?

Guess having a faster hack does not count.

Totally agree. They could do this by giving her a small amount of shield.

I mean, she’s a hacker, surely it’s plausible for her to hack herself some extra shielding?

what about… nerf hack to the ground of hell, so it doesn’t do anything, make it instant without any Cooldown. Here ya go fam. Balanced HACK Hero.

Tracer is a time traveler, so I guess, she should be able to undo a captured objective.

Stay realistic, Hack is insane powerfull and needs to be countered by anyhero with some awareness, If you know they can hit you befor your 0.5sec hack applies, don’t even try!

But I fully agree with the missing annimation for Cancelled and interuptzed hacks, as the sombra player really never knows, what exactly happened with the hack.

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Why should sombra be allowed to hack again after being punished for using it badly? And don’t compare it to discord, hack is way stronger than discord is.

Why should a player shooting at one player be so strongly rewarded for stray fire onto another?

We’re asking for that punishment to come from intent. If you intend to stop her Hacking, then your damage is continuous and she’s not going to Hack anyone, 2s cooldown or no.

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If you’re getting hit at by stray fire so much that it’s canceling your hacks on a hero that has two mobility abilities then maybe… go somewhere where you have a higher chance of getting a hack off?

Oh yeah, because I’ll go off the point and look for a 1v1 my team can follow up on.


Why should a player be rewarded for placing themselves INTO stray fire? If its stray fire why are you in the CROSSFIRE?


Because I’m in a team fight where my team can follow up on my Hacks.

Then stuns should 100%, sleep dart should be 100%, all ults should get team wipes.

I am in a teamfight after all. I should have zero downsides to standing in the middle of an OPEN FIRING RANGE. /s

Hack is a pre initiate tool. It is used to CREATE an opening for your team. You don’t use it once the fight has started unless all focus fire is off of you.

Once again. Why should you be rewarded for standing in the worst spot for a sombra to be standing? What possible logic do you have to back this up?

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Why should I even play her if she can’t contribute anything past the initiation?

I mean seriously, all those examples require kills or use of special abilities themselves used with specific intent to prevent. What specific intent is going on to stop Sombra?