Sombra's ability Nerfs are blatantly unjust (200+ likes!?!)

She could use a small health barrier, maybe 10 or so. If she’s ever in a place where her hack is easy to pull off, the duration needs to be as short as other easy to pull off CCs.

For me it was this part of your reply.

But anyways as you want real conversation. I will give you one.
These abilities may not be oppressive by definition but every ability is supportive ability (even sombra’s), and every one of them affects enemy team in some way, more or less directly.
Why every ability is supportive? No matter if it’s a healing ability, a defensive ability, damage-related ability or stun ability, they are to HELP YOUR TEAM TO WIN.
No matter the kind they still directly affect enemy team.
Healing abilities deny the damage.
Defensive abilities also neutralize damage.
Stun abilities “stops” the player from doing ANYTHING making them an easy target (sombra however makes the player just EASIER target, and require followup from the team as her gun is quite weak. you still can shot and move and have your abilities probably on cooldowns anyways when hacked).
Damage abilities obviously deal damage or in some cases like orb of discord or damage boost help dealing damage faster/easier.

Many of, especially damage, abilities are opressive tho. It is not something exclusive to Sombra. Doomfist’s rocket punch is oppressive, Mei’s freeze + icicle in the face is oppressive, stuns combos are oppressive.

This game is all about winning. This is all about kill the enemies and get the victory. This is why some oppressive characters exist.

Please explain me why Mei combo or Baguette combo are acceptable, why sombra’s hack, that in most cases require a followup from one/more of her teammates to be successful. Why an ability that, yes shouts you, but still let’s you shoot and defend yourself (more efficiently but still) is so bad. Why do you all say sombra makes you useless when using your abilities, by your definition makes yall useless for up to 30 seconds (depending on a hero).

Lastly, why did you not answer my question about the inpact of losing your ability for 2 seconds just by 1dmg point. But pulled some apple and oranges bulls*it. Please answer me how fair it would be if lucio lost his crossfade if he received only O N E damage point putting it additionally on 2 seconds long cooldown. I am not accepting any “just dont hack midfight and shut up” crap - this is why i chosen characters like lucio or rein. They have to be present in the fight as much as sombra has to be to contribute.

Impact and no effect on enemies are two entirely different concepts with two entirely different meanings. Pull out the dictionary.

The point is not whether something is supportive or not. The point is the level of oppression an ability adds and how much counter play you have against it. The level of oppression that hack has needs more then cover as counter play. It needs damage. It also needs to be an ability that can be shutdown just as much as it can shutdown the opponent to be fair.

This entirely false. A supportive ability is one that bolsters, heals, or adds utility to ones team. Damage is not a supportive ability. That is a offensive ability.

Once again, absolutely false. Direct means an ability that targets. Healing does not target the enemy nor does it deny damage it is used to RECOVER from damage.

The effect is DIRECTLY on your teammates. Not on your opponents.

They mitigate damage. Not neutralize.

Yes, that is a utility. Which gives it a supportive aspect. It is also an oppressive ability. Which means that just like sombra’s hack it should have multiple ways to counter. Which all the stuns that are currently in the game do. You are wanting to make Sombra the exception to that rule. Not a good idea.

Utility. Thus supportive role. Not oppressive.

Not certain why you are saying this. I know the game is about winning. Yes, we need oppressive characters. However, that does not mean there should be less counters against oppressive counters.

Because they all have multiple ways of countering.

Brig: Range, off angles, stuns, hacks, anti heal, burst damage, aoe damage, zarya barriers.

Mei: Range, Burst, stuns, barriers, hacks, aoe damage.

Sombra if removing the damage cooldown: Barriers, cover. constant chip damage.

See the problem? Sombra has RANGE for her hack so range is not a counter nor are stuns since she is further away, damage would not counter hack as it only prevents it once and she would have no cooldown to prevent a second attempt. Chip damage would be the only thing that would consistently prevent it but that is not enough to kill sombra before she translocates out.

I did. Sombra’s hack has high impact so it requires mechanics to allow consistent counter play. That is why she needs to lose it for 2 seconds. She should not be able to spam her hack if she is caught out. if she made a mistake and was spotted and shot at as a result mid hack she SHOULD be unable to hack.

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It certainly is when you’re playing Widow and your shot is a pure reflex snap shot :frowning:

Then GMs are/were playing Sombra like idiots.

Agreed. Moira can go invisible on command. I’d like sombra’s stealth to take a little less time to activate, but that activation time can be used to mislead the enemy in terms of your direction so…idk it’s a tough call for me.

I think everyone should try to master Sombra though. It gives you an amazing sense for tracking enemy Ultimates, but it does take a lot of coordination to get great value out of her.

Just throwing this out there…


These words scare me… “not happy with sombra place in the game” SCREAMS another one of Blizzard’s infamous reworks.

I would rather have a buggy, F tier Sombra than a rework to her entire kit.

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Hack just needs to be revamped. It can be oppressive because of this game’s nature (ability use to really make a difference), but it’s actually a useless ability for Sombra more than half the time. So not only is it bad, it’s annoying. It needs to be changed drastically. Lowering it’s duration and instead reworking what SHE gains from it would be ideal for both herself and those who are subjected to Hack. After all, she gains NOTHING from hacking someone. “Oh teehee, you can’t use your abilities now! I also have no abilities for battles. ALSO! Your gun is still more accurate/better than mine so, like, if anything this is almost a fair fight now lmao. I’m so glad I spent that time to hack you!”

  1. Cooldown is 8 seconds, but the hack duration is 4.5 seconds.
  2. MB2 Hack can’t cancel Ults already in progress (no eating Ults either), but can stop passive/active usage as usual.
  3. Range reduced to 14m (just 1m less).
  4. Cast time is .5 seconds and won’t be canceled by damage, but she takes 25% more damage during the short cast time.
  5. Deals 30 damage upon successfully hacking a target, which means she gets more fire points when assisting/Ult charge/is actually “rewarded” for using hack. The hack damage ignores armors/defensive buffs.

EMP no longer removes HP-shields, so it’s less oppressive to just a few Heroes. Instead she removes 100% shields from abilities and 50% of armor from abilities. EMP can stop channeling Ults/Ults with cast time. EMP lasts 5 seconds. She deals 35 burst damage to all those who are hacked, the hacked damage ignores armor/defensive buffs.

Also, so Stealth sucks less, she won’t be fully knocked out of Stealth upon taking damage. Instead, she takes 25% more damage than usual for the very first hit (normal damage for consecutive hits), loses 2 seconds of Stealth duration, she is revealed (red), and only gets half the speed boost. If she only has 2 seconds or less left of Stealth, she just gets knocked out of Stealth as usual. So she gets screwed, but not 100% screwed.

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People come here to play OW, not counterstrike or rainbow 6.

That sounds very interesting but still needs some development of idea and we get to good sombra.

IMO that sounds very differently. That would make lots of tanks mains and genji/tracer mains upset again. But that will make her viable only if the enemy team will not pay attention to her.

Knee jerk nerf courtesy of Blizzard. They get so scared. They need to go to church.

Anyway… Mei can freeze you solid if you don’t kill her before you are stunned.
If Sombra is hacking you, then you should have to deal with it.

Mei can’t teleport around invisibly.

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OMg they are different?

I’m glad the community is still making noise and pushing for Sombra to finally be viable outside of the top 1% of players, but after seeing the recent patch notes I’m convinced blizzard doesn’t care about one of their most over hyped characters.


i legit find no reason to hack a turret anymore. anytime your near it, even if its targeting something else. It will always target whom ever is near it.

It will target after nearest target only when the first target died or moved away from LoS. It’s actually a good idea to hack the turret at that moment because torb can ult which makes his turret prob useless.

maybe i just have really bad luck with ppl moving away from turrets before i complete a hack. hm

“Pros” are really bad for the health of this game.


Prob luck. If turret targets someone from dive meta comp, then it’s not for a long time.

Tracer blinks, genji dashes, winning stone jumps, mercy flies away, boosts away, moira fades away. Only you left here :c

So, what you are saying is characters that rely on abilities will naturally feel bad when they are taken away, and thats ok…

But, Sombra relies on her hack (Ability) And taking that away for 1/3rd the time that a hack takes away from any other characters is bad. Pot, I would like you to meet Kettle.

yep, I am a Reinhardt Main, and Sombra is an annoyance to me. trying to get even one person on your team to respond to a sub one second hack that can come from any angle is nearly impossible. And if you think hacking a Rein is not a team wipe, I would like to introduce you to the spam meta