Sombra's ability Nerfs are blatantly unjust (200+ likes!?!)

Yes, because as we all know there’s no stray DMG in OW. Pinpoint accurate bullets only. And what other hero can you totally shut down by dropping one bullet in her general direction every 2 seconds?

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Unlike getting killed in 2-3 seconds from any other DPS class I suppose? That’s much more fun than being hacked. At the end of the day that’s what we are comparing it to -Soft CC vs High Burst DMG.

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Superior positioning includes not putting yourself where random damage would be directed. There’s no other hero that needs to be shut down that hard. Hack is too strong to be that easy to use.

Within reason. “Superior positioning” don’t mean “immune to DMG”, especially if we’re talking about an attack with very limited range (compared to a bullet). That’s sort of an absurd demand.

Sombra isn’t a sniper. She can’t be 200 yards away hacking from a safe place. You must put positioning in context.


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There are plenty of ways to pull of a hack without putting yourself in crossfire. Use the environment or your team to help with it. Try hacking from behind a shield.

It’s not like Sombra is useless if her hack doesn’t get off either. She can still reliably do a pretty solid amount of damage and she almost always has a “get out of jail free” card in her back pocket in case things don’t go her way. I think you’re blowing things out of proportion.

Reminder that it was our fault that Sombra’s a hacker because they said they only went that way bc we theorycrafted her that way

That’s a non-statement. You can say that about literally anything. “Oh, you die often and can’t use your abilities? Use the environment or shields”.
“There’s plenty of ways”.

I mean, compared to what? To being a man sort? Sure. It’s literally better than “nothing”, I agree. But you would also be better off playing any other hero in the game that can actually do their job in that scenario…

“Well, you can’t do your job but you can leave your team a man short while you teleport away”. Yeah. That’s effective use of the hero.


Believe it or not, people still enjoy FPS games where you can only run, jump and shoot. Is playing Counterstrike or Rainbow 6 siege agony for you because it’s like being permanently hacked?

Her nerf was so stupid because people were scared she would become a must pick so Bliz nerfed her prematurely just to stop it after like… 2 week when by that point her pickrate was dropping so she wasn’t becoming a must pick.


No they weren’t. Standing there getting shot holding down RMB is just stupid and achieving nothing while you’re stood there dying.

It’s a stupid lie.

Even if the Hack did go off, you still wouldn’t be in a superior position from the Hack.

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I watched it happen every game even at high masters/GM level after she got that huge buff. It’s not a lie just because you’ve labeled it as such. They didn’t make the change for no reason, you know. They analyzed how she was being used and changed her accordingly.

Every game with that 2% pick rate for 24 hours. Okay.

I’m sure it was really effective as well, and the realisation that doing that wasn’t very effective at all had nothing to do with her collapse in use a day later.


I mean, seeing as they barely played her that can’t have been many minutes of watch time.

No, they had reasons. But “She is OP wasn’t one”. Fun fact, Jeff commented on the buffed Sombra and said “Her win rate has improved but they are in line what we expected”. She didn’t dominate Contenders that was played on that patch either…

She was nerfed due to hysteria, mostly from some OWL pro’s, who freaked out because they “theorized” that she could mess up their precious meta.


What if Genji’s Deflect shut down if he took a single point of damage?

“Oh that’s different these specific characters shoot through deflect”

Those same characters do a pretty damn good job of revealing Sombra and interupting her Hacks.

This was in the game long before her changes, it was just less noticeable when the hack took longer to get off.

Should Genji have deflect at all? It’s so “unfun” when I shoot at something and it reflects the DMG back at me. /s


So what? She is also the ONLY hero in the game who can completely shut down all if a character’s abilities, she is the ONLY character who has a 6 second cooldown on an ability capable of removing both active AND passives from someone else. She is the ONLY character in the game who can prevent others from using healthcare, and is the ONLY character in the game who can instantly during an engagement, disengage and port to a healthpack.

Being the ONLY character in the game to have something, whether positive or negative isn’t an argument for it to change, it is simply pointing out that the game has some things that are unique to some characters.

If you want to make the case that the restriction is too much, then do so, but to make a case based on an attempt to suppress uniqueness and you have wandered into invalidland.


Don’t you DARE invoke “What if Lucio couldn’t” in a thread about increasing Sombra’s power. That is disgusting.

I agree. Roadhog doesn’t get a two second cool down for taking damage while throwing hook nor does hook stop, reaper doesn’t stop teleporting on damage, Dva doesn’t stop boosting or defense matrix while taking damage so why does sombra get this treatment

Most abilities(even ults now) go on their entire cooldown when canceled, that would be 8 seconds for Sombra’s hack. But then, abilities aren’t normally canceled by basic damage, that’s exclusive to hack. So hack isn’t some ability that should just be compared to others, it’s VERY very unique, it has been from day one.

I’ll say this, the lingering .15 sec grace period that allowed her to hack through walls, blinks, shields was the only thing that needed to be addressed. The 2 second cooldown wasn’t needed. We would know that if they hadn’t put both nerfs in together, we never got to play her with JUST the absence of the grace period.