Sombra X Roadhog confirmed

Okay, I can now confirm someone in Blizzard ships her with roadhog. Why else would she have the bride skin?

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What’s funny is she’s not even part of the actual mode. It’s literally just someone’s fantasy for Sombra.


The Bride of Frankestein never chose to be with the monster. The doctor created her so that he might have some companionship, but she hated her existence.

This is the most toxic ship you could set sail.


How dare you assume people read anymore?


I only watch the Netflix adaptation, myself.

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No only true canon is Roadhog x Myself

This is why. It’s just a reimagining of this moment. Nothing in the Halloween event should be considered as lore hints for the actual heroes, it’s just a stupid druken story for the fun of it.

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Okay, I only watched young Frankenstein so I don’t know much about it.

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Dude, you watched a parody, not the real thing.


Part of me kind of enjoys the idea that for some people out there, the parodies are the definitive versions.


Roadhog must have an enormous schwanstucken!

Roadhog and RoadhogsButt, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!


Actually … I could imagine them together. They could be broken in just the right places that they fit together.

This is some weird AU for a weird ship, i guess

Skins are canon?

So is Mercy and angel or a witch?

How about they are just skins that looked good in the designers minds that have no story behind them what so ever. Just made for the Halloween theme.

If it aint junkhog or mercyhog i’m not shipping roadhog with it.


Both and neither :scream:

SAO Abridged is the definitive edition for sure in my eyes.

did noone watch the film? they do know the bride hates the monster right?

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