Sombra “we’re keeping a close eye on her”

They’ll never fix Sombra because her entire playstyle, weapon, and kit are based around hack/ shutting off abilities. The minute that gets touched, the screamers will come out in full force on day 1, just like last time. So until the screamers and whiners get told to sit down, Sombra will never get buffed, because her entire existence is built on the hack ability.

Yea that’s basically my friend at this point. Hardcore diamond sombra/mercy main. Can’t play something so buggy without general pain coming his way.


except in the real game where she is barely played… ]

poor poor Sombra

don’t give up, we can still win this


Sombra gets buffed then nerfed.
Flavor of the month players and sombra “mains”:


People like you are why we need trust level 3

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Her “buffs” nerfed her (any sane Smb player would take healthpack sanic ult farm over better hack), then she was nerfed again. Your gif better describes Blizz attitude in regard of all sombra players.

I can confirm that i would rather old Sombra than the one at the moment, or partially.


They need to revert hack, give her ult charge for self-healing and buff invis.

Infinite invisibility and let hack automatically reset from eliminations and assist.
#BuffSombra #JusticeForOliviaColomar

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Fix bugs, give priority of actions vs game delay similar to tracer to prevent death in translocate animation, give increased movement speed other flankers enjoy, introduce damage threshold to stop hack.

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I didn’t add bugs, as we shouldn’t have to ask for them to be fixed.

How are bliz expected to fix bugs if people don’t post them?

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There’s already multiple posts out their with plenty of evidence of bugs that haven’t got a response. I don’t even think Fitzy got a response

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it’s over they killed her gg

good thing her pick rate is continuing to plummet that will speak louder than any pro’s ‘input’ lol

Yeah I am feeling bad for playing Sombra simply because it boosts her pick rates and win rates.

pls don’t just let her die so she can be reborn from her ashes ;-;

It just hit me… did blizzard just hint us lore about Sombra?

How ironic for them to say we are keeping a close EYE on her… when indeed it was the EYE that Sombra is trying to go after!

Does this mean that the EYE will soon be revealed?

In all seriousness though, Sombra does need the proper attention though.