Sombra was a mistake

Invisible all the time. So easy for her to engage and disengage. Doesn’t really play with the team. Makes tanking hell. Virus and back require no aim. Strong dps

Didn’t Jeff say he didn’t want an invisible character in the game? I can really see why


It depends on how you play her. I play Sombra helping the team, distracting the backline, focusing on a common pick, hacking ults… I hate spawn camping, I neither do it nor do I like it when they do it, it’s a useless 1v1. I usually pick her if they have a good Ana, Zen or Widow, Im a support main hehe…

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Jeff left a long time ago. This isn’t the same game anymore.


Sombra is the worst designed dps in the game. They spend all this time reworking Sombra and don’t remove invis. Make her more oppressive in the dps matchup. Rat hero.


And then he proceeded to add one year 1 of Overwatch and allowed her to have permanent stealth since like 2018. What is that quote from 2015?


rat forumer, your opinions as per usual reek of bias & the inability to accept the fact that this game thrives on diversity in terms of hero kits & isn’t just a standard point and click fps game like CoD. no one has ever irked & icked me more on these forums than you have lmao

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Nothing says oppressive like being negative in a majority of ranks.


The issue with Sombra is that she exists. Period. Literally only time I’ll pick her is if someone goes Bastion. At which point, I’ll get the pick on him, and then just spawn camp him until he either swaps or quits. Only redeemable thing about her.


Play heroes that makes disengage hard then like…, moria, tracer… There are more but you get the idea i hope…

I like Jeff, but he isn’t here anymore so what he wants is kind of irrelevant…

Sombra isn’t OP by any means, but even when you’re stomping her she’s far from satisfying to play against. Most of the time, she literally just exists to waste time in the backline.


Weak dps. Illari is much stronger than her and she is a support hero btw.

heh as sombra i always have trouble with bastion since he is not an easy kill. lots of health and good burst especially if fast reactions.

tell me your secret on taking that dude out lol

First state of grief: still got annoyed even if you can win against her.

Second state: go train in the mountain and commit all skill points to consistently counter/kill Sombra.

Last state: the whole team comes together to stop Sombra from playing the game. Each team member has gone through second state at some point. And everyone receive immense pleasure of getting back at Sombras, even her teammates.

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AKJ always hits them with the truth. Sombra is the Sigma/Mercy of DPS confirmed. Get her outta here!


Worst designed heroes of each role true true


To be fair, OW is not typical fps or whatever. But it doesnt mean the dev team is so good they could nail it with every single hero design and balance.

So it is very possible to have a “badly design” hero, even to OW’s standard.

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Oh, you can have invisible characters for sure

Just not with brain dead mechanics and gameplay; getting free afk eliminations at 0 skill requirement


They messed up some heroes twice with the reworks. Now we have raid boss Hog and troll Sombra.

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I, too, have been upset about the absurdity of perma-stealth and how it immediately ruins Overwatch as a game, regardless of which team wins, for quite a while.

But I suggest a new approach.

Embrace the absurdity. Since she ruins the match, use the match to get better and enjoy the game again. Instead of worrying about the other 4 enemies or the objective, simply dedicate yourself for every single nanosecond of the match to the Sombra. Simply play “Kill The Sombra” #KTS for the entire match.

I always tell my team before the match starts, “If they go Sombra, I’m going to do literally nothing at all but play “Kill The Sombra” for the entire match”. Now, this is QP only, of course. But so far, I’ve been doing this for 2 days and had NOTHING but positive responses from my team.

And sure enough, if they go Sombra, I go into KTS mode… Do we win? My goal is to not even know… If I am playing KTS well enough, I shouldn’t even know which team is winning. If I’m aware of the objective, it means I’m not focused on that Sombra enough.

It makes Overwatch fun again.

When there is a Sombra, you play KTS.

When there is not a Sombra, you play normal Overwatch and enjoy the amazing game that it is when there isn’t a perma-stealth hero ruining it.

It’s super simple. I highly, highly, highly recommend everyone plays #KTS moving forward in all QP matches.

My personal favorite to use is Tracer. But as Tank, I use D.Va. Support, I use Kiri or Lucio.

And remember, it doesn’t matter if she kills you more than you kill her. What matters is that you focus on her every nanonsecond. The only way you lose KTS is by focusing on anything other than Sombra. You wanna hit that 100% mark where you focus all 100% of your energy on that Sombra.

Good luck and have fun!


SOMBRA is 100% about hardcounter a x enemy hero… all the match hacking the x enemy on invisible. she is like a invisible ana shotting sleep darts with no amining needs…