Sombra Translocator problem on PS4?

At the moment, when I use Sombra, her translocator is cancelling itself once I initiate or engage an enemy with any ability. I will place it, go invisible, find a target, as soon as I either hack, or shoot, it places itself on a 2 second cooldown kinda like it would if I actively cancelled it, so I can’t escape and forced to place it again. I’ve not seen any reports or anything about this other than the usual bugs she has/has had.

And before people say, no I’m not accidentally cancelling it nor are enemies finding it and destroying it. I’ve covered all avenues. I started thinking it was being found, so then I started placing it in very, very obscure places and eventually in my own spawn to see if it still happened and it did. As per the title, I’m on PS4. To cancel her translocator, you have to press the left stick in, which is the same stick used to move around. But it’s extremely difficult to do that by mistake when using it to move because you’ve got to put quite a bit of pressure on it to press it in. I am definitely not pushing it to cancel by mistake.

I can never disengage because by the time I’ve tried to engage or kill anything, it’s reset itself. I’ve actively watched the cooldown icon a few times in the corner too and it just switches to a 2 second cooldown as soon as I do anything, then I have to place it again. It’s just bizarre.

I entered the training arena to see if it did the same thing in there but no, in there it works and it’s totally fine. I place it, run up to a bot, hack it, shoot it, shoot another then translocate and it’s fine. I don’t understand it.

The strange thing is there is no report of this being a known bug and my friend, also a PS4 player, doesn’t get this problem with Sombra. So what on earth is going on? Is anyone out there getting this on PS4 or even other platforms?


I’ve had something similar but i just assumed I was accidentally cancelling the translocator.

So did I at first, or that enemies were destroying it. I honestly thought I was losing my mind and I kept doing it over and over to be absolutely sure of what was happening. I can run around to my heart’s content for as long as I want once I’ve placed the translocator, I can translocate back to it, but as soon as I engage with anything, boom, onto a 2 second cooldown and it needs replacing.

I know you’re adamant that you don’t press interact by mistake, but have you confirmed it by binding it to something else? I never use L3 or R3 as buttons because I always hit them by mistake. It doesn’t require that much pressure.

I have interact on the right dpad button since she doesn’t swap weapons. I haven’t noticed anything like this.

I got this video send a while ago do you mean this? (Sorry for the bad quality)

This is exactly it but for one minor thing… in the video, it appears as though R1, the button to translocate, is the action causing it cancel and go on the 2 second cooldown? Am I right in that observation? Whereas with me… it just seems to cancel itself before I reach the point where I wish to translocate out. It happens when I simply engage on an enemy. But yeah apart from that this video pretty much illustrates my problem. Is this video of you personally experiencing this or someone else? If the latter I’d like to know if you suffer this problem too?

I don’t play on console so I don’t have the problem nor did I made this Video some one send it to me in my Sombra bug Post I did a while ago:

Samesies here on Xbox. It doesn’t happen all the time. It’s random.
I even flip flopped the controls for it so I throw the translocater with my left stick and destroy it with LB. Still randomly happens, even if placed in spawn.

I’m 100% adamant I am not pressing L3 to cancel it. I’ve even been sure to be very delicate and careful when testing it out in quick play, basically accepting death and purely engaging only to see if this definitely not me cancelling it by mistake. Either way, I will try your suggestion of rebinding it to another button and see if that solves it. Thanks!

I haven’t noticed on my account but my roommate has this happen constantly. On ps4 pressing r1 90% of the time cancels her locator. Sometimes it is the action of her hacking someone but mostly it is her trying to escape the situation that makes her die becauar instead of teleporting it cancels her escape route.

I ALSO HAVE THIS SAME PROBLEM and it has been happening since the sombra re-work. It’s incredibly frustrating and I don’t seem to find anyone else who has this same problem until now!!! Also play on the PS4.

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This still seems to be a problem as of July 2019 /: I’m on xbox btw and this is the only post I’ve seen about it

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I am having this same problem. I never really played sombra before, but would like to get better at her. When playing her the last couple of weeks, I have been finding this very thing happening to me. I’m getting frustrated and on the verge of giving on playing her altogether. I’m on PS4

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I had the same problem for almost a year. I thought it was a bug, but:

  1. I didn’t know L3 (interact) could cancel your translocator.

  2. didn’t know I press L3 almost continuously when I play :rofl::rofl::rofl: I can’t believe I didn’t notice before.

I changed interact to left arrow, and problem solved.

ive had this problem, its so random…one game it happens every single time, next 3 its totally fine

When I first started playing Sombra I was accidentally canceling her translocator all the time. I thought it was a bug because I didn’t even know I could cancel it at the time. Then I remapped cancel and the problem went away.

That’s not to say there isn’t a bug now as I’ve not played her lately.

I was convinced it was a bug but after moving my cancel translocate (interact) to right d pad, I no longer have an issue and Sombra is finally playable!

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