Sombra to support problem solved

Trying to make sombra have a support like ability like hack while also trying make her have that dps feel is problematic.

We are short on supports. Hack can clearly act as a “impact”/ “supportive” ability

Move her to support…. Maybe make it so she can’t hack healthpacks anymore. Give her a very underwhelming zenyatta type heal. Get rid of the dmg image gets on hack.

She would be balanced. Supports would be happy to have her

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The health hacks would be fantastic for supports. Maybe just increase the spread on her gun to make her even more close quarters would be a way to go. Hacking an ally would regen them a small amount for a bit. But yeah it has potential.


They can’t make her work in dps right now. The supports would welcome her.

Hack is a supportive ability. They buffed her to also the be best person to do damage on her hacks…… that’s what’s broken

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Considering there seems to be a curse with characters when they swap their roles I’m going to say no.

Cough Symmetra and Doomfist cough

I think it would be nice to have an assassin/support hybrid.

This is how I would change her to be a support

Primary Fire: Machine Pistol

  • No changes

Passive Ability: Opportunist

  • Sombra and hacked teammates deal 20% extra damage to hacked enemies
  • Hacked teammates see hacked enemies through walls

Secondary fire: Hack

  • Cooldown of 4 seconds
  • lockout of 1 second
  • Lasts 10 seconds
  • Can hack teammates
  • Hacked teammates heal 15 hps
  • No cool down when hacking a teammate
  • Can not hack teammates/enemies again until the hack runs out
  • Hacked Healthpacks give sombra ult charge depending on how much they heal teammates

Ability: Translocator

  • No changes

Ability: Stealth

  • No changes

Ultimate: EMP

  • Applies an enhanced hack to enemies and teammates
  • teammates heal 30 hps for 10 seconds
  • Enemies are locked out of their abilities for 2 seconds
  • Hacked teammates and sombra deal 35% extra damage to hacked enemies

As far as I remember Sombra was originally planed to be a support, that could hack multiple targets at once. She would have been the 2nd support without any direct heal abilities, the first one being Symmetra before she was moved to DPS.

The problem was that when Sombra was introduce, she hack an health pack and the team would only get healing from that, thus making Sombra generate a ton of ult charge, getting EMP every fight.

This actually happened in Pro play as well.

It is due to that historical event for Sombra that she no longer get ult charges from hacked healthpacks. Her ultimate is a huge reason why she’s not a support player.

I don’t understand why they are so hesitant to move dps hero’s to support with the doing dmg now feeling more rewarding on support.

They could keep these hero’s pretty much the way they are now. Provide them with a heal to keep a heavy healing support alive or kinda safe… and it would be balanced.

Give sombra an orb that heals for 20hps and transfer her to support as is and she’s balanced.

20hps orb with hacked healthpacks and her ability to hyper aggressive while also providing very little sustain is completely balanced on support imo. You would loose a lot of heals by choosing her but could hack things to protect your team

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Not at 120 DPS she isn’t. Kiriko is more of an assassin than your Sombra would be, and has better mobility.

A lot of ways to make it work, and a support with a stealth element to protect themselves would be fantastic against dive heavy comps. I think she fits, along with Sombra. We need MORE support options.


Everyone is complaining that Supports aren’t healing enough, why would they make her a Support with no healing abilities?

Because a large number of supports are complaining it’s not very fun, lack of variety, lack of self-protection against dive, lack of play potential. As a result you see Queue times for everything but support going up. Sombra as support would help alleviate this a little.

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No Kiriko is not more of an assassin lmao. Kiriko can not disable you and kill and get out hahaha

Kiriko if she blinks poorly is dead.

Sombra is some next level crazy sheeesh who should barely heal in her current state.

But I believe would be less toxic if she took a support slot

Yeah you’re right so I changed most of it back to her live version