Sombra: “She kind of felt the same, she just kind of pops out and does her thing,”

The verdict of playtesters playing against the new Sombra.

How is this not a red flag?
Where’s this “new playstyle” people keep talking about?

The reason she feels kind of the same to play against, is because she does nothing new, she gains nothing really from these things…

_“The way it originally started, I was like, ‘How far can we actually push this invisibility?’,” Goodman remembers. “So we doubled it and tried that, but we was like, ‘Is this really much different to being infinite?’ Even though infinite invisibility sounds really powerful, you do need to come out and build your ultimate, harass them, hack the right targets. _

No it isn’t, you say it right there, she still needs to engage and participate in the game!

From this article:

We’ve been asking for over a year for more flexbility in cutting them short. The TL reset button really is a boon, but the only other thing we asked for for Stealth was faster in-out time, didn’t that tell you the duration was more than fine?

flails wildly


Yeah, you’d think they would listen to the community on the forums or something when adding, and taking away nerfs/buffs. He kinda just flat out admitted they really dont know what sombra needs and are just guessing.

We been saying/suggesting things for months/over a year in some areas, and it took almost a week long forum campaign from dedicated sombra players here to get youtubers talking about it how muchof nerf this actually was, then play overwatch caught wind and now the devs go “uh what, they DONT like it… well that dont make any sense to me”

Bottom pickrate, needs buffs, got more nerfs then buffs. Luckily we got some reverted (hell yeah sneaky sombra squad!! Gotta be a first in PTR ever!!!) If a character needs buffs, give them buffs let the nerf happen later if they need to, AND NOT SOME FRICKEN POOR EXCUSE OF “Hot-FIX” that completely untested and breaks the fricken character!!

More evidence of #OutOfTouch