Sombra rework, more counterable, higher skill

sombra rework

  • permanent stealth removed
  • new stealth 4 sec duration, 6 sec cooldown
  • increase movespeed from 60 to 75%
  • now requires 75 damage to destealth / broke it, or when sombra start shooting
  • have very big animation and sound indicator to enemy team if sombra used it

less stealth uptime, and very counterable, because you now know that for 4 sec to watch your surrounding for sombra backstab

for sombra player it now can be used also for run away teamfight, abit more realiable,
because it needs 75 damage to broke it, so a dva from 30 meter away cant accidentally broke it


4 secs is waaay to less time she used to have 8(and also could contest while invis)

So heroes like widow also should have this obvious sound Que when she grapples to jump-snipe etc?


So you’re limiting invisibility to 4 seconds and adding a 6-second cooldown. Additionally, you’re adding an animation that informs the enemy when Sombra activates invisibility. In return, you’re only adding a 75-damage threshold, which addresses the core issue of de-stealthing through damage somewhat, but doesn’t completely solve it.

Basically, you’re saying you want to have stealth, but at the same time, you’re making sure it doesn’t happen discreetly, which makes it almost useless. If there’s a Sombra on the enemy team, you always have to be alert. Actually, it doesn’t even matter who your opponent is. Anyone can try to flank you.

So the concept is bad and too disadvantageous. The time limitation on invisibility is somewhat okay, though a bit short, but the activation effect is garbage.

Also, how do you imagine the ability working? You’ve changed invisibility, but how is it supposed to be activated? We don’t have a free button that could be used for it!

What’s the point of reworking an ability if we can’t use it? Plus, invisibility is only as strong as the rest of a kit allows it to be. Without damage, invisibility wouldn’t be an issue. So invisibility in a Sombra support kit would be almost useless.

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i used to play alot of sombra in overwatch 1 when she had like limited stealth, and old translocator

75 damage is huge actually, there little heroes can do burst 75 damage, you can tank ana scope, ashe shoot, illari shoot, etc

activation is for counterplay

6 sec cd is just my base suggestion, it could go 4-5 if she too weak

4 sec duration is starting point, it could go to 6 sec if its too weak

didnt ow1 sombra had 4 sec stealth?

give her footstep noises again
virus impact nerfed
Hack doesn’t work on ults

buff uzi

No, as far as I know, OW1 Sombra had 6 seconds of invisibility, but some say it was 8 seconds. I just know that you could place the translocator, and the cooldown was finished when invisibility ended, and the translocator had a 6-second cooldown.

However, the v1.0 Sombra with limited invisibility was terrible. What was even worse was the time limit on the translocator.

The issue with the translocator was that you were forced to teleport even if you and your team were good enough to stay in the fight longer. If you stayed longer, you had to survive for 6 seconds without an escape option.

The problem with invisibility was less about the ability itself and more about Sombra’s kit. She was designed to become extremely powerful if you had the right timing. But for that, you need something that allows you to choose the right moment. For a DPS Sombra, which I personally don’t like, this isn’t necessary. However, I don’t like having a timer limiting invisibility. I’d much prefer one that reacts to movement. Poor Sombra is slow, but she can cover a longer distance. If she sprints, she gets to the front faster, but covers a shorter distance. That’s just a preference though, and not really important.

The 75 HP threshold for breaking invisibility doesn’t matter when you’re trying to use it to escape. By then, you’ll already have very little health and would probably be dead with the next hit anyway.

Unfortunately, you didn’t address the other points. How do you want to handle the activation of invisibility?

You don’t play Sombra

A virus nerf and a Uzi buff would solve the problem of Sombra becoming useless when her virus doesn’t hit, but it wouldn’t fix the issue that Sombra shouldn’t be a DPS hero like the others! Invisibility and damage don’t mix well.

While Sombra is invisible, no sounds should be made. There are enough players who can locate you just by sound, and there’s nothing more annoying than Sombra being constantly revealed from invisibility because someone decides to shoot at an impossible position!

Hack can only disable a handful of ultimates and a few more while they’re being activated, which rarely happens intentionally. On top of that, it can easily be interrupted, and the only effect hack currently has is the damage buff for virus and hacking tanks since tanks are the only worthwhile target!

Sombra rework should be about defining her identity properly again not nerfing her.

They need to decide if she is hacker or invis assasin.

Also get rid of bloat like hp hacks if she is more assasin.

Also make her viable to climb across ladder as a healthy hero.

You can hear grapples well if you use headphone mode.

Widow is very loud.

Sombra used to be too , i think currently she is bugged.

Can you try something for me,

Use this code pbz34 see how many times you can hear and react to virus, it’s workshop so no distractions and you are expecting her

By the time she finishes her sentence virus is already near you.

Like on tracer mei even hanzo with dash you can react dodge but zen ana or anyone else pretty quiet

It can work if invis was totally about escape tool and not engagement.

Let’s say she goes invis when you tp and can glide like juno, invis lasts only 6 secs.
Would probably make tp cd 5 secs.

But outside tp you don’t get invis.

How does that work , I think then virus can even be as it is now.
As if you try to get first shot advantage you won’t have escape tool.

Theoretically, invisibility as an escape tool works. We already have that in the game with Moira! It’s often referred to as a teleport or something similar, but it’s essentially invisibility designed for escape.

Regarding your idea, it wouldn’t completely eliminate the problem but would drastically limit it. A Sombra could simply throw the translocator to become invisible and then use the 6 seconds to attack hero X.
You’re fixing the issue of perfect timing that is often mentioned. A DPS Sombra doesn’t need that but would need to be able to keep up with other DPS heroes even without invisibility, which isn’t what Sombra should be capable of!

Another issue is the cooldown. It obviously couldn’t stay at 5 seconds if invisibility lasts 6 seconds, but the translocator, as it currently is, isn’t nearly good enough.
So, the cooldown would probably have to start only when Sombra becomes visible again.

The next problem is the deactivation of invisibility through damage and the timing of when Sombra becomes invisible and when she gets the speed boost.

Invisibility shouldn’t be deactivated by damage anymore. Instead, damage should briefly put Sombra in a semi-cloaked state, similar to what happens when she gets too close to enemies. How long this effect lasts is a matter of fine-tuning, but it should be long enough to determine her direction but short enough not to pinpoint her exact position for follow-up shots.

The speed boost should be activated immediately after the teleport, and invisibility should also activate right away so that Sombra starts becoming invisible right after the teleport.

But this isn’t what I expect from something invisible, and I somehow don’t like the idea of incorporating it into her kit this way. It feels more like a forced attempt to include the stealth part of her identity just to say that all aspects were considered. And then we end up with what happened to hack!

It can if we make cd start after sombra comes out of invis after tp.


there should be some cancel button, i really hate the current auto invis when playing actively

you can actually see in this clip when i throw tp and want to attack junkrat she goes invis again and i have to shoot to get back and use cube.
i liked the last tech were you had control.

ya totally otherwise it would be too easy to kill,

like its used that way in many games, even now sombra does that too though in a limited way.

Its one of the ways were i can see her retaining all the stuff like hack invis cube etc and not be griefy but more efficient.

kinda is but its also certainly useful.

Invisible shouldn’t mean silent though. But I get it - it’s stealth. But to me it really doesn’t make sense that Genji (a literal ninja) makes more sound than her. You could make the sound quiet, but to not make ANY sound has made her invisibility that much more potent/annoying.

A completely invisible character is more annoying. The “impossible” angle you’re talking about is really a guess that “hey if I were sombra, I’d attack from here”, and wouldn’t you know it: there she is

I would agree and say tanks are more worthwhile too, but the amount of Sombras plaguing the backline or spawn camping supports is a common experience I’ve had, along with many others.

I’ll admit my bitterness towards her hacking ults, as my counter to her is Moira, who she can cancel. I got flamed for “holding ult” in a game because Sombra was a pest on our backline. As soon as I got her to flee, I got into position and popped ult. Seconds later it gets canceled like Louis CK. If it was Sombras Ult that cancelled it, I’d be okay with it. But a regular ability that she can easily get into position and cancel ults is a little absurd. At least sleep dart takes a little more finesse and Ana lacks the mobility for quick positioning

I’d say make it similar to the Cloak and Dagger for the Spy. It drains over time based on movement, and when fully drained sombra would be partially visible. It refills when standing still long enough. You could tell the difference between a decent sombra and a bad one because bad spies would be sitting still for too long and barely get anything done whereas those that manage their cloak properly can be an asset.

turns out i was right

they gonna nerf sombra stealth duration next patch, no more perma stealth

this already exits, be it the sound que is on the exit where it actually matters.

The thing is sombra’s kit isn’t made to work without having time to set up, and basically is a wet noodle if caught out.

the weaker stealth is the easier the less consistent sombra is.

And you would need a kit that simply that is more reactive for that to work.

Eh maybe, it’s usually not what people think. And 9/10 is going to be a power shift.