Sombra rework can we get a hint?

Honestly dude, you’re basically telling at least half a dozen sombra mains with a combined experience of easily over 2000 hours (thats probably being gentle) in diamond/masters and above that they’re wrong and you are right.

What do you have to show for it?
30 hours in quickplay?

Suggesting to just use the longer stealth is like telling people to use a normal brush to brush there teeth instead of a toothbrush.

Does it work? Without a doubt you could manage. But its not effing better in any way shape or form. It costs more time which is something you do NOT need.

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The thing is, it already has such a huge cool down that. This isn’t needed. It was part of her skill cap being able to manage that time, and that’s not counting the fact that they cut her speed, which was a key part of getting there in the right place.

…I really hope y’all just being quiet about fixing her hack or her damage, or the fact that you can easily be knocked out of stealth.

Idk, I thought she was good were she was, apparently everyone disagreed, but. These kinda seem unnecessary , when the times she already had on these cool downs were manageable.

I feel like this just makes you more likely to miss team fights, while trying to set up the perfect moment to reveal yourself.


Oh okay. I remember when Overwatch first came out it was “We’re not sure about invisibility as a hero ability. It might not be fun within the context with the game.”

Now it’s “Sombra is gonna have infinite invisibility, omegalul.” Well, I certainly don’t want to play support or tank anymore. :’^)

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So can the translocator be destroyed through walls or does she need LoS?

I have 200h+ on Sombra, i basicly never had problems with stealth management and the translocator was fine after the 5sec buff. Infinity stealth won’t make her more useful, she still stuggles to 1v1 almost any other hero.

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girl her issue was literally with hack being so stupidly buggy just fix that

Actually this is not a good idea.
Hand-hack is the problem, LOS is the problem, reload is the problem…
Ye, if steals also will have zero cool-down (i hope) that will help with harass but we still have “stealth sound” after decloak.
Also PC players really need button for destroy translocator. That’s will be not comfortable to use translocator in the air anymore.
We need real changes, not “fake” changes.
if 75% speed = 75 m (an example)
than 50% speed = 50 m . Real duration of the “old” stealth was higher (if we will compare with new speed).
Sombra still can’t play vs hanzo-widow-zarya-rh-mercy-zen. She’s just nothing.
Buff hand-hack, buff and fix reload (i really can’t start hack for interrupt reloading process), give button for destroy translocator. And this is the only way for sombra
This “buff” is also nothing for pro-players. They always can manage their translocators and they always have a good-save position before the fight.
We don’t need this changes, we just actually lose ability to capture the point and distract enemy team.
I know many people who really like sombra and her style and they also don’t like this possible changes.

You do realize this is a nerf and only makes sombra easier to use, also the last time the pros said something they ruined sombra so why would you want that.

Zenyatta will love this buff.

Now, he is instant Dead with every EMP… no one has to look for an flying Translocator or something…

Sombra just can hide behind the Group, wait, till the group stands toghether…BOOM…EMP…Zen dead.

That’s really nerf for sombra, sorry :frowning:
We lose speed, we lose ability to capture the point and now we also can randomly destroy own translocator and die. GJ

Lol. She can’t EMP from invisible. Also she need hg for EMP (like trans-air) because she should hack enemy behind payload for example
This is sombra nerf… we lose this hero

I agree but that last part seems like a big over exaggeration.

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How to make THE most “popular” hero in QP,

Step one…

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I agree. One more TROLL hero in QP (like new sym)

How about DELETE stealth and add 2nd beacon?
So she can get buff damage.
And become tricky as tracer.

Her primary fire is crappy and her turret cooldowns are still 10 seconds but i think everything else is great👍

I’m sure resetting the locator will activate the cooldown, so there will be a punishment in place.

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Improve hand-hack. You have so many opportunities
Now we almost do not get a reward for hacking
Ye, if we hack dva, rh, genj that’s not bad, but in most cases - u are not in the fight and one of the enemy can’t use ability. Still balanced (5-5)
An example: Hand-hacked target move slowly / hand-hacked target receive 50% of heal / hand-hacked target lose 10% of the ultimate / hand-hacked target can’t charge ultimate ability during hack / hand-hack can stop ultimate like grav, solder-aim, hanzo dragon, zen ulty even if this ulty already used / Your team can see hacked target through walls
Test this things and choose one. This will be a really cool feature for your game

You have to look at it and press a key … if you destroy the translocator by accident you are an idiot.