Sombra rework can we get a hint?

Yeah, definitely. I’d either go with no delays with invisibility or reverting the hack cast time changes back to pre-buff Sombra. Hack then wasn’t difficult to land and it was still punishable quite easily.

Though at this point, I’d take no stealth delays. I feel like she’d have an indirect buff to damage and reliability just from that.

Fool me once Mercy? Shame on you.
Fool me twice Hanzo? Shame on me.
Fool me three times Symmetra? Shame on both of us.

Fool me four times? I won’t be fooled.

Stop dancing around the issue and fix it. She needs to do DAMAGE. She is a DPS. You are consistently disappointing the playerbase and people keep quitting.

That LFG update was 2 years late, along with the report system that does nothing and avoid as teammate.

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Because sombra damage cannot be compared to the rest of your team damage, or the entire roster really, you also have 200 hp with no shield, no healing, nothing to back you up unlike your team.
If you attempt to hack or harass the backline, nothing more than a single roadhog shot or a firestrike or a mcree shot is enough to force you to relocate or you risk getting yourself killed.
The 6v1 was a bit exaggerated but it still applies, you can barely hold your ground against SOME supports in a 1v1, better chances if the conditions let you, but like I said before, a single person helping their teammate is enough to either potentially kill you or force you to relocate back.
If this happens 2 times, you’re already wasting around 30 seconds doing absolutely nothing, which is why the usual thing to do is to just farm ult on a roadhog or winston or try to hack the rein so your team can get past, it doesn’t really matters how much you coordinate when you’re not a threat to begin with.
There’s even more problems in here like mercy being able to just fly away, brig fall out negating any damage and killing you on the spot, being forced to choose between hack or some damage because you don’t have burst to do both, there’s way more but I think you get the gist of it.

And sadly, these changes not only fix none of those issues, it makes even getting to that point harder.


Infinite translocate appeals to me since I only play Sombra in mystery heroes and it never feels like something I can rely on in a pinch since I don’t have the timing down pat.

Infinite stealth time while losing speed I’m not sold on. Playing as an infiltrator feels like you should be lurking around with risk of exposure and need to use it tactically.

Now this is what I was expecting her to be when she originally launched. Having the stealth and translocator last at such short durations always made you feel rushed into bad situations. Now it looks like we finally have the chance to play her as a proper assassin.

Which comes at a cost, because if you stay stealthed doing absolutely nothing then you’re essentially giving your team a 5v6. Which puts you at a huge disadvantage. So that’s why I always thought it was a bit redundant to force people out of stealth with timers when a good Sombra would never stay in it for too long on her own anyways.

At least now she can like run back first and scout things out while her team starts to respawn.

Edit: Just need to make sure she has competitive damage or something to do when outside of stealth that can’t be interrupted by stray bullets. Think of Zeratul or Valeera in HotS, they’re both stealth characters but they have big utility and mobility outside of their stealth.

The irony with Sombra is how hacking is supposedly a big deal when used on your enemies. Because they’re limited to just moving around and using their default weapon. Yet this is what Sombra has to live with 24/7.

Shouldn’t you getting a successful hack over someone in 1v1 be putting you at an ADVANTAGE and not just making them equal to you? Unless you’re playing at top level games you might as well just assume nobody on your team is going to ever take advantage of hacked targets even if you can call them out in voice.

Can we get a hint on actual Ultrawide support so I’m not crippling myself and my team by losing 30% of my screen? :thinking:

SORRY but no Sombra player actual said “i feel rushed into bad situations”

I don’t know where everyone is pulling this BS from. She will never be a ‘proper assassin’ because she doesn’t do enough damage, plain and simple. Translocator is not short. 20 seconds is enough time to get in there and do something.

They are now shorting the speed while increasing the time of stealth, which won’t do anything.

Translocator now is infinite.

The only thing really useful from this is the fact that you can cancel it.


The changes sound interesting and will open up a lot of options. :thinking:

You can’t say “no sombra player actually said” this when this topic is filled with people saying exactly what you pretend they aren’t saying. Plus even the devs are starting to acknowledge that as an issue.

The only thing they need to do after fixing this is making her competitive. When you hack an enemy it’s a huge deal, they can no longer use abilities and are stuck just running at default speed and using their main gun. All sombra hack does is make a player into yet another sombra clone. Which should show you exactly how bad she is outside the initial surprise of coming out of stealth. She’s got no in fight utility outside her ult, no other hero is like this.

Sorry but I can say what I want. There is a bunch of people in this thread that don’t play Sombra so point out examples of those who do (besides you) and i’ll listen.

When you hack an enemy that does nothing but disable their abilities. They can still use their gun. They can still KILL you.

Sombra will always lose 1v1s because she simply does not have enough damage. A hack puts you on equal terms and aim isn’t enough to win. There have been times when I catch someone completely off guard and I have to translocate back to my healthpack because I always died.

She’s got no fight utility outside her ult

You’re ignoring hack which is probably one of the best abilities in this game. Stopping someone from using their ultimate and abilities is something great.

Sombra is bad in a fight because she can’t do enough damage.

Prove me wrong please, because you’ve said nothing of use.

Permanent invisibility won’t change anything when she will be kicked out after taking 1 pellet from DVA.

predator custom games are going to be so much more fun now

Can we get Symmetra right first? You guys still haven’t fixed her primary you broke doing that haphazard fix on the exploit. Then there is her secondary orbs which still don’t do the correct splash damage and are largely useless as explosive projectiles severely limiting how they can be used to just ground level horizontal direct impact shots instead of say teleing to high ground and shooting them at people. Please fix these major issues. Also her tele takes way too long to use, you can’t use it to rescue people in combat like you guys said it was also to be used for. But the big one is her primary. Tic rate of damage, length of beam, size of beam, lack of survivability, long charge up time while insignificant damage for the first levels, shooting barriers doesn’t recharge the weapon fast also making it useless over just using orbs and reloading is faster. All in all her primary is just worthless after you guys touched it “fixing” the exploit.

Ah…more simplification of heroes, soon there will be no risk because timing and skill are slowly becoming extinct

Sombra should throw away stealth.Stealth works in bads.
1 Bllizard said"we make Sombra not be assassin",so she can’t get more damage for stealth.
2 Beacon+stealth combo is popular and it force Monotonous playing.

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I like Sombra and I’m grad to Blizzard cares about Sombra.
But that’s not exactly what I wanted.
It’s already fully stealth and translocators time.
I’m grad to it’s time to be longer,but it means increase 6 enemys can fight 5 Ally simultaneously.
And to be increase Sombra’s player don’t consider people difference.

I think trancelocators advantage is very short CDT.
It makes it easy to move someplace, and give her fantastic personality.
I think Sombra players are needed quick decision(untill abillity time) ,
And offence and support not only stealth.

For example I suggest
1.She get more hacking force instead of nerf primary weapon damage or range
I think also wire match her.
2.she say “I hacked Reinhardt” “I hacked lifepack” when she success hacking.

I wish her great change because I love sombra.
I’m rooting for Blizzard.
Sorry for my little English because I’m Japanese.

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Sorry but I can say what I want. There is a bunch of people in this thread that don’t play Sombra so point out examples of those who do (besides you) and i’ll listen.

Rofl no you can’t when it’s a direct contradiction. If it wasn’t an issue Blizzard wouldn’t be talking about it. Stop plugging your earholes and covering your eyes.

You’re ignoring hack which is probably one of the best abilities in this game. Stopping someone from using their ultimate and abilities is something great.

You literally just said Sombra will always lose 1v1’s because the hack puts you on EQUAL terms with the enemy. When I said that myself already. Because that is her problem. When you hack an enemy, it should put you at an advantage above them. Not bring them to your crappy bottom of the barrel level.

This is exactly why hack is not “one of the best abilities” in this game. Any stray bullet can interrupt it now. GL getting a single, let alone a second hack, off in the middle of a fight once your surprise is ruined. It was much more viable before the nerf to its cast time.

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Infinite stleath… with every patch, you are adding more and more frustration to the game. When you thunk its cannot get worse, boom, you release a new patch. The last one was horrible. its not just the 5k HP shield is absolutly unfun, but the profile hide is a joke.

Every hero you added, is nothing but a frustration factor, low skill heroes. Except Ana, but shes trashtier, useless.

Now we will have infinite stealth… Clap Blizz, GJ, you are making this game worse and worse. I really miss season 3, right now, its nothing but a joke.

When you decide where to go with the development, do you even ask the Pros? How many more failed patches will you release? You are so clueless…

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Yeah but the solution is stop caring!
Mccree flashbang is unfun to play against. Dva with infinite ammo in ur ana’ s face is also unfun to play against. But people stopped caring about it. They just accepted them

Can we please get the unhealthy levels of CC fixed, then bring Sombra back please… for the love of catgod…

Edit; Figured I should point out I am not apposed to the changes, just that there is so many tank eff’ing cc abilities already…

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Overall I think youll have better movement speed in general, considering you can stealth infinitely instead of having a cooldown. It balances out considering how more often you’ll be in stealth.