Sombra players ARE being ignored

Not to mention the Translocater bug fix made another bug appear.

what are the bug fixes did they do?

because programming is complicated? have you tried writing anything like this. Before all of you keep just complaining (not critique, saying “oh blizzard sucks. worst developers”) how about you try and make even the tutorial scripts, let alone all the assets, environmental factors, interactions between objects, and more. It’s not exactly easy.

Hey I don’t need to have spent 300 million on cgi to say transformers 2 sucked.
We are holding a company to their own standards.
Which, currently, sombra falls well below.


and theyre working on it! mentioning what bugs are out there is good. Sitting here saying "sombra players are being ignored? ok drama queens, lets put away the laptop and phone and maybe just take a deep breath

It’s one of the most posted about things on these forums, they’ve responded on winston threads, symetra threads, a thread about Zenyatta’s first name, a thread about Petra being too big, and others. Sombra was nerfed within two weeks and then not mentioned afterwards

I’m not even saying they are ignoring her. There’s just a lot of things suggesting they are


Patch v1.20 No LOS Bugs
Patch v1.21 LOS Bugs

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shes in pre early access beta duh. she’ll most likely be released as hero 29.

Wow, one bug fix. There still leaves bugs she’s had since her release. There is still the collection of bugs they added with their hotfix. There is also the bug they introduced with their latest bug fix that gives hacked healthpacks the enemy sombra color, canceling out whatever good their latest bug fix did.

Gonna drop this link right here; enjoy and cry A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #52 by Xaron-1831

How easy it is to program is irrelevant. Furthermore, it is not our job to do their job and create the code for them, nor do we need to understand. Fixing their game is literally a part of their job. All their actions thus far point, however, give off the impression that they are not even trying to fix sombra.

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Fitzyhere has another list on the Overwatch reddit forum. Do not forget that.

LInked in the post that he made on the forums, and I think that post is also linked in the bug reports I’ve made :smiley:

Programming is complicated, but it’s literally their job to get it right.