Sombra nerfs to make her a fair hero

  1. remove permanent invisibility. it is stupid and cowardly to have a hero who can remain hidden forever. either get rid of it entirely or put it on a timer.

  2. remove hack or put it on a 15-20 second cooldown. it is stupid to have a hard cc ability that can cancel ultimates on a 6 seconds cooldown. ana sleep is stupid as well but is on 14 seconds and has to be aimed. because sombra is easier to aim it should be longer at about 20 seconds.

if they did these 2 thing sombra would be more fair to fight against but because blizzard wants to protect their favorite hero the leave her busted to ruin the tank role.


Hack is fine. For that to be on a 15-20 second timer is terrible lmao.

It’s also soft CC. Hard CC is Orisa spear, Rein shatter, Roadhog hook, etc. - you are stunned, can’t shoot, and can’t move.


it removes all your abilities and makes playing the game meaningless. this is an ability based fps and sombra takles away your abilities every 6 seconds. this is utter insanity and is only explained by biased sombra mains and blizzard favoritism.

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Change Sombra to be a hero you pick to defend the backline… the irony :smile:

… I know I smoke a lot… But are you high?


explain to me why sleep has to be aimed but is on a 14 seconds cooldown while sombra hack has no aim and is every 6 seconds. this is blatant bias and favoritism.

For less than 2 seconds. If you think that makes the game meaningless, what do you think of actual hard CC that literally makes it so you can’t do anything?


Sleep lasts longer, and cancels more than just what hack does. Hack is a necessary evil until they deal with the hypermobile tanks and Widow’s one shot.

Either deal with it, join the Sombra train, or quit. It’s your choice.


i wouldnt mind a revert of sombra pre-virus but season 1 overwatch 2 sombra. chain hack was so fun lol

also i do like the old translocator. more of a get out of jail free card

I always camped it, used to make them completely lose it everytime they teleport out just to get domed by a Hanzo. Was more fun to do.

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You do know after your hacked, your immune from being hacked again for a time…

why wouldn’t change gameplay loop just make it annoying to play cause they had that in early sombra and guess what people still complained…

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It’s somewhere in the middle actually since it does cancel abilities and ults but doesn’t boop you or stop you from moving

I’d honestly be fine with the perma invis if they just gave her footsteps while invis.

Cancelled 3 ults and a rez in 1 fight on third point Gibraltar this weekend… Hacked the Moira ult, Emp’d the Mauga cage, hacked the reaper ult and then hacked the Rez on the Mauga…

For some reason I read this as “Orisa appear” ahahaha

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Nah you change Sombra at all from her current form and Widow, Doom and Ball will run rampant, its better to have Sombras everywhere than those heros uncontested.

Or shooting. Like you can still shoot your gun too. It’s just abilities. For 1s.

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Thank god the community isn’t balancing the game


Hack is fine. That’s the whole crux of her character.
Sombra SHOULD be difficult to spot. But invisibility should not exist. She should be cloaked instead, like predator. That’d be sick as hell. Still stealthy, but not braindead.

Virus annoys me more than both of those combined. I feel that perhaps it should do more damage overall, but slower ticks over a longer period of time. That way you can still punish her for taking a poor engagement. Obviously she would need other buffs to compensate for the lower lethality and hack should return virus to the original tick speed as an option for the Sombra player.