Sombra Nerfs - How do you feel about it?

It’s absolute garbage.

Hated them then, hate them now still.

How do I feel about it?

Like there are a lot of people who still play Sombra for all the whining there is on this forum that she’s not a competitive pick.

Which means they are either A) willfully throwing or B) making mountains out of molehills

but im gonna be honest

it feels like both :man_shrugging: :rofl:

i don’t really care. no matter how much a sombra player complains on the forums, the problem has always existed between keyboard and chair. if genji ever received the same treatment sombra did, we would all laugh at genji players for not being able to win games.

Now you’re just making **** up. Lol. If Genji got nerfed as hard as Sombra all the PC Shimada kids would riot, and the nerfs would be reverted. But people who hate Sombra are garbage at counterplay, and thus agree with her nerfs.

bro that already happened lmao

i’m talking about how she was made easier to play in every way possible

I have mixed opinions. I personally hate the existence of hack, but I also acknowledge that she is a pretty poor hero.

I actually think the global ult reduction helps sombra, because Sombra has a very easy time gathering charge, while characters like Lucio and Zenyatta, who are the few characters that can nullify an EMP, do not.

That being said, I’m absolutely thrilled they nerfed Sombra. I don’t care if she ever becomes meta again, but as a tank player I’m obviously biased. Realistically she needs a rework.

sombra charging ultimate is average not fast not slow
if you want to compare ultimate charge speed between heroes looking at the point isnt enought sombra has the lowest damage of all the dps heroes

I cant find the link anymore but I saw a graphic which compare the average time to charge the ult per heroes and sombra was at the middle

the ult charge nerf hits sombra in fac since she s the weakest outside of her ult

Also I really feel the 1s less hack in emp , my emp are noticeably

sombra need straight big buff she already needed before this patch ( worst winrate in ALL RANK negative from bronze to GRAND MASTER) but with those 3 nerfs she needs even more

I hope they buff sombra next balance patch

I will take any buffs at this point if this is really the way they want to go with Sombra.

ultimate cost reduced pls

I guess I could learn to live with the EMP cast time nerf. But the Hack duration nerf still sucks, it’s a really short time now. Really hoping we’ll get some sort of buff some time soon. Movement speed, weapon damage, ult cost reduction, anything really. A little buff would be appreciated.