Sombra nerf when?

This is what happen when you listen to guy who is fan of tracer main. Anyone who comes close to countering tracer get nerfed sooner or later.

I mained Sombra for 2 seasons prior to her ‘buff’ and managed to climb to masters. After her ‘buff’ she has become less enjoyable than ever to play.

I understand the developers’ intentions were in the right place but she just isn’t consistent enough to be considered viable in comparison to most of the damage/dps class.

I honestly preferred her old hack. A reliable LoS system with only a 0.15s longer cast time, and the loss of ult charge from her hacked healthpacks was a huge nerf for the high-end players. It wasn’t rare to be able to charge an EMP before the capture point unlocks on KOTH maps. That is practically an impossibility now.

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It wasn’t the buff that ruined her. Her buff made her less of a spambot for her ultimate and gave her hack some more purpose.

Her “LOS check” fixes that followed and weren’t even put on the PTR were what broke her.

PTR is supposed to be for bug checks right? but not even the developers believe that anymore.

I know that and i feel you Sombra mains its so frustrating to practice a hero and get good at him/her and see him/her beeing destroyed by bugs or metas… Sombra is the hero that could definitely stop the meta we have now and Genji would be viable with her

She wasn’t destroyed by a meta. She wasn’t great in the first place, and was deliberately destroyed by mechanical changes and nerfs.

It was wholly malicious, not an accident of game balance elsewhere.

Look at her pre-nerf stats - they were still pretty bad, but they went ahead and nerfed her anyway.

No other hero has been treated that badly. At least Bastion was actually good for his few days of power.

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I said either destroyed by bugs or meta with bugs i meant Sombra and meta i was talking about Genji.

It’s not just bugs that have damaged her, with or without the unwarranted nerfs, she still wasn’t in a good place after her supposed buffs.

I know, they need to improve her more, with her on my side i’d be able to run Genji and keep getting up the ladder.

This is interesting.

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She already landed in a good spot according to this post.

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She has indeed. :wink:

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“This user is suspended”

W e w

But in all reality, I hope Sombra gets a touch up. The nerfs were totally unwarranted

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I feel like this thread didn’t need to be nerco’d.

NERF HERRRRRR GEOFF. She make unplayable my Zeny c mon! bro haha

love this big fat necro lol

All just to plug their new thread.

Happy 9th post.

If they really are going to nerf her, we have to revive the Sombra wars thread.

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