Sombra makes Widow unplayable

Just pops out of invis, Virus and spray down to kill, rinse and repeat, it’s just silly. Unless you play super safe and request healers/tanks to play around you it just becomes a matter of time before she kills you like a slasher villain.

It’s too safe and too easy for her to get value in the matchup with very little counterplay, unless you aimbot you’re not gonna stop her, and even if you do some damage she’ll just safely jump away until she can come harass you again. It’s not fun like facing a Tracer or a Genji where you have some real chances to stop them before they get you.


You won’t get much sympathy here. Both heroes are terrible for the game and make for a very unfun time whenever they appear. Let’s hope they are terrible for each other too.


Ehh but any hero can play around Widow, it’s just Widow can’t really play around this iteration of Sombra.


Widow’s zone of control is functionally infinite with the way the game’s maps are built, so it makes sense that there’s a character that threatens that.


Except on way too many maps it takes 10x more effort to play around her than it takes for her to control massive areas of the map. She is one of the worst heroes for the game along with sombra.


Yeah but there’s no counterplay and no risk for Sombra to dive in on Window, meanwhile Widow is a feast or famine high risk high reward hero. It’s a hard counter that doesn’t require much investment, skill or coordination, it’s a one-sided imbalance that’s not much fun.


And that’s how it feels to play against widow lol. Seriously though they both probably need a rework.


Good, all is right in the world.

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Good all my homies hate widow


I wouldn’t say no counterplay. I played mercy the other day and our widow died once because I kept them up everytime she jumped my widow. There is counter play. Supports just need to be better at peeling for the dps.


I mean there’s no counterplay in the Sombra v. Widow matchup. Every other DPS has play styles that make any showdown tense and skilled because there’s an equal chance either of you could die. But not Sombra… she just pops out of nowhere and kills Widow in the back before she even has a chance to get a shot out. Like I said in the first post, unless you’re pocketed it’s like free kills for Sombra and it’s not fun.


Widow has the most counterplay in the game lmao


Someone had to cancel out widow; that isn’t just another widow.


There is some. I agree it’s an extremely unfair fight between two heroes. However I’m not so sure it needs to be changed. Because widow does have the potential to counter an entire lobby if the player is good enough.

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Good. Widow creates more space than any tank in the game. She needs more counters.

I thought they were getting rid of one shots anyway. Why hasn’t widow lost hers yet?


Widow hard counters anyone who can’t close the gap.


i dont think the developers play their game but i have gotten use to it as a widow player. i just swap sombra since i play her as well

yea people hate both heroes but i kind of hate the overwatch community in general (bunch of whiners) so i feel no remorse in winning with said heroes. people can rejoice this season anyways since im doing terrible atm lol… i was doing pretty well with sombra but it changed this season hehe


Why don’t you just stand with your team?

… I suppose every problem has it’s silver lining.

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Some maps just allow widow too much freedom. Even reworked junkertown just feels like widow heaven.

On other maps we can duel widow but if they are pocketed it is just too hard to contest the sightlines

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