Sombra isn't OP, its just an awful experience

Sombra is not op, sombra is not super hard to deal with.
The problem with sombra is that one of her abilities just sucks all the fun out of the game. EMP is fine, its an ult and should have impact. Straight up turning off abilities on a 7 second CD is awful. Getting into and out of fights for free is a nuisance but a nuisance isnt a game design issue. That hack is. It’s just an absolute slog to play coz you lsoe access to the fuin stuff regularly.
A pretty good illustration of this comes in the form of depseration picks. She is leterally the 1 hero a team can be guaranteed to swap to when losing. That tells you tonnes.
In other genres she’d be removed for being cheese until she was reworked.
Again, before the replies of “play better” or “learn to counter” start, that ISN’t my issue. My issue is that fighting in a team against her and even with her is a boring AND annoying.


Hack’s ability lockout lasts all of one whole second, unless you’re a time traveller from OW1 (when she was less fair than today).

So what do you people want?

  • Sombra to do more base damage (Tracer)
  • Sombra to Hack for longer (Mei)
  • Sombra to do less damage but survive longer in fights (Soldier)

If you see any other options (or can offer a DPS design where you actually want her on your team), let me know.

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It’s a second and a half. No one complains that they can’t use abilities while reloading, which is the same duration(or significantly longer on some characters).

LOL The community would instantly lose their minds if Sombra had Soldier’s gun and traded Virus for Helix… and for good reason.


Very franky, this echo chamber is whining about her over almost nothing, despite other heroes being FAR more unfair and oppressive (some Sombra alone keeps in check). It’s just the FOTM witch hunt.

Save that energy for Witch season, imo.

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They just need to move some virus impact damage to the Dot. I’d be a lot happier with her at that point.

It’d give people more time to react to her presence, enabling counter play or kill trading, but not affect her effectiveness against targets who don’t have a self-cleanse.

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They already did, two patches ago. 90 damage to 75 (total).

If you nerf her burst/TTK even further, she’ll need compensatory buffs as she’s already not performing well. Where would you put them?

Neither. I don’t want a trade off that makes her still broken. I want her to either be not annoying or dumpstered. Really it’s not our job to solve the devs problems with suggestions


I believe they were talking about the ability itself being on a 7 second cd, not how long the hack effect lasts.


It’s not, but where in the realm of reality could they even go, except for something really wacky like she hacks health packs, enemies don’t know if they’re hacked or not, and it damages them that amount if they pick one up?

Like what are the other options? The way I see it, you need Hack stronger, Virus stronger, Gun stronger, Trans stronger, or Stealth stronger.

Which dial/bucket do you want to adjust?

I know, and I’m saying try on a 6s Hack lockout duration from OW1 and have some real problems.

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Perhaps adjust her bullet spread and fall off? that way more bullets land and the bullet dmg might not need adjusting. And it rewards players at a higher spectrum more than the bottom spectrum.

Which would mostly end up being a small nerf in the bottom, while not much changes at higher ranks.

I agree with you, I also say up her gun damage (potential, however that looks) and be done with it. But do you think people will complain about that less?

Ohh I see

Still tho I don’t think saying ‘it was much worse before’ is a good argument. Esp when there was a lot more cover/safety back then to justify such a lockout.

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(Forum) Sombra is a symptom of 5v5 and no 2nd tank enforcers. One less target on the field means you’re going to get targeted all the more. One less tank and it means as a squishy you’re even more likely than a Sombra chasing down a Ball or Doom all game.

People who complain about her don’t actually play her, and thus far most of the complaints are “she’s not strong, just annoying”. You know what? Every hero is annoying, depending on who you ask. I ask them what they want and all they say is “for her to be less annoying” not realizing what they’re asking for and having no clue what that looks like. She’s already been gutted and ‘reworked’ into her current iteration. Do people honestly think the devs are going to do better than that?

Do people honestly really want these devs to try and rework her again? IMO these topics are just spam at this point. Like I get it, vent, but do we need a new Sombra Bad topic every single day?

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People complain about moira and mercy too. People will always complain about sombra even if her invisibility or hack got immediately deleted.

I just know she would feel fairer to face the less immediate burst she has.

One option is to leave all numbers as is and make the hack/decloak sound louder to hear. Or make her footsteps in stealth louder than they are right now.

Volume adjusting might be a good place to start, and if people still don’t notice her then move to numbers.
Qol changes against her first.
(I thought she was just fine before the hp nerf. Only once had issues with her but that game was a stomp anyway)

I’ve seen people complaining about Sombra since OW1, including in my own personal friend group. So I picked her up to learn her in late OW1 to maybe help my friends and learn the Ball matchup better. The more I played her, the less valid the complaints became. I still main Ball, but Sombra (even a good one) is an afterthought/ignorable.

People hate her because they don’t see the work others put in to make her viable, and it’s so much easier to complain. Often enough people will try to mirror on Sombra but since they have no idea how to play her properly (i.e. the gamesense required to make her work) they get destroyed.

The complaint of her attacking from the shadows isn’t at all going to be changed by a lower Stealth duration. Sombra players are just going to adjust to know how to engage at the right time, all it will do is give her more downtime (which she doesn’t at all need). It’s a change for change’s sake.

None of this addresses the fact that she’s been below 50% winrate since she was gutted prior to Roadhog and still is today. People are complaining about a bad hero (but ‘not about her strength’) and there’s no solution that any haters will like.

The question is what buffs can you give her to up her winrate and make her less “annoying”? There is no clear answer, because people claim they hate every individual part of her kit.


The issue is you’re not thinking about fair. You’re thinking what’s more ideal for those dealing with sombra. But sombra is effectively being delt with by all ranks across the board. So how is it “fair” to nerf her when currently she is being outperformed? That’s not fair for the sombra. That’s only more ideal than it already is for you.

We’re discussing nerfs for a hero who’s barely a top 30 hero.


Yes every hero is annoying depending on who you ask. But that doesn’t mean a lot of people can’t find a hero annoying. They don’t have to play the hero itself to come to that conclusion or need to to have a say in her state.

And Ik we meme around here but like. The devs aren’t incapable of a better rework. This one being kinda not liked by the community doesn’t mean the devs are now forced to keep the mess they made, too scared to ever try smth new because they made something bad last time.


I said “fairer to face” which literally means

I thought she was perfectly fine with the 250 hp. No idea why they nerfed that in the first place.

They can either shift her back towards what she used to be by nerfing virus and buffing gun damage. Or just ignore the sombra complainers.

She was fine before this season. Easy to deal with but still effective against her primary targets.
I often farmed backlines with her if i got her in mystery heroes, but i also often farmed the enemy sombras while playing support (always satisfying to kill a sombra while playing mercy).

People just don’t listen for teammates getting hacked or check their surroundings.

She requires intuition and gamesense to get value from.


No almost all of history for ow2 says otherwise. Orisa is more hated than ever. Same with hog, pharah rework did nothing for anyone. Sombra rework is hated. They have all been bad so far for ow2.


I’m actually okay with her losing that hp. She’s a high mobility character so I’m actually fine with her being 225. I’m also okay with her being in the 48-49% winrate territory. Unpowered sombra is balanced sombra. But that’s our current reality. Anymore. Is too much.

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