"Sombra isn't good in this meta"

You completely contradicted yourself.

“People don’t play her because she is hard, and you can do more with less effort on other heroes, but she’s fine!”

That’s the definition of being not-fine.

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Looks away as I realize that i’m on a 7 game win streak using her 70% of the time

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Technically Sombra was technically very meta in the tail end of season 5 where she was pretty much mandatory on Volskaya and Anubis beyond a certain level. But yeah they really need to look at her again. She needs to be more of a generalist. You’re not going to make Sombra viable without making hack oppressive without diversifying her options. Faster EMPs or reducing spread again would do wonders.

Except the two weeks before the knee jerk panic nerfs

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Even If the goal of the game were “To make Lucios life hell” she would still only win 2nd place after Brigitte, and she is amazingly good at it.

I blame hack, and a few other, really minor issues adding up to a great big “not worth it” hassle for most of the community. I think Sombra has a lesser version of Sym’s issues in that there’s someone better for the situation 85% of the time. Sombra can be really good, it’s just that there are usually a few other heroes who are better in more situations, that also happen to be easier to play.

I mean, weather or not Sombra is good is greatly dependent on what the enemy team composition is, and how good your team is. People like McCree, Hanzo, Moira, etc. are hurt a lot less by hack than people like D.va, Roadhog, or Lucio. Plus hack can greatly rely on your teammates to capitalize on it, which sometimes makes it lackluster in solo queue. It doesn’t matter if you hacked the Mercy to stop her from flying away when no one bothers to kill her. Hack is honestly a fairly wonky skill for a hero to be based around in that regard.

Meta is “Most Effective Tactic Available” So if you are facing a Team you can build your own “Meta” to counter theirs. In this game there is no “One” solid Meta. Its just most people are afraid to mix things up because they wanna stay in their rank.

Its pretty much a game on how to out counter the other team. Might as well be another numbers game. How many hero’s can counter “X” Hero.

Make a team based on what is the least countered Hero’s to maximize how many Hero’s your team can counter.

She’s not good at killing them though. She can’t get past armor for crap

Shameless link to Sombra’s bugs A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #13 by Xaron-1831

I thought Blizzard claimed she was “meta changing” back when they were hinting at her. Now look at her. She is broken and ignored.

Looks like another irony to add to Sombra’s Walking Irony list.

She should be called Irony Woman if this keeps up.

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