"Sombra isn't good in this meta"

Those all give her more mid-fight sustain than Sombra, giving her more room for error mid-fight. This makes it much more reasonable for her to secure a kill on her own than Sombra. She also has a superior gun and is harder to hit.

I’m not saying that Tracer isn’t complicated, I’m saying that Sombra is as well.

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Tracer’s mobility isn’t context specific and can’t be stopped by anything does equal to or more than 1 damage. Tracer’s dps is higher and she can more readily engage opponents without needing recall off cd, Sombra needs hack + translocator to ensure a safe fight.
Tracer is the easier one to play because in the end you can play solo as Tracer, away from the team. Sombra is a utility support, not a dps. She needs the team to follow up unless she catches out someone like DF who relies on their abilities.

Edit: Forgot to add that Tracer’s abilities don’t have a delay, all of Sombra’s kit has a delay or channeling time.

She should be able to do bonus damage against hacked targets — effectively hit as hard as McCree on them.

That’ll make her more of and assassin hero — able to pick off marked targets but be a bit weak against any others.

Same too when she ults except that the damage boost (that she only gets) applies to every hacked hero in its radius.

That’ll reset her role as an assassin.

Sombra has always been weird. She’s got invisibility and teleporter. Both things that are to aid her outside team fights. Not be in one. and her CC is incredibly strong but easily dealt with and it’s not even hard cc just soft.

Her being outside of a fight is always putting her team at a disadvantage numbers wise. It’s always just easier to run a hero that’s got usable cc in combat.

She needs changes to her abilities that make her more usable in a team fight. Or she needs to be buffed so she can handle a 1v1 pretty well so she can at least be a duelist.

When she COULD be since all the barriers have to go and is if people just give her a chance, but LOL, the latter is so rare.

Wrong. She can do things that no one else can (drop shield instantly, prevent use of ults), but to actually have value her plays must see follow ups from the team.
That’s not being bad, that’s being harder to play.

She can cancle half of all ults … that is ****ing powerful.

She is so stealthy that you never see her


Yes, but any stuns can cancels those. I was going for stuff that only her could do :slight_smile:

Sombra was decent after this soft rework… Then they nerfed her to be worse than before it. Blizzard.

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She can half cancle the ults of Genji, Winston and Torb too. And her EMP can cancle multiple ults if they aren’t to far apart.

The main problem with Sombra is they keep buffing then nerfing her without giving the buffs an actual chance to set in and be countered. She can never be viable because blizzard refuses to let her go through a period of slow patches like they did Mercy and are doing with Hanzo.

Too many players call OP after 1 day of play rather than taking the time to learn how to counter a hero. Just look at what the player base said about Brigitte (pros included) until they actually got to witness how the pro’s used her.

Right. But right now it’s hard to make plays with anything that doesn’t do instant burst of damage and there are other heroes that don’t require any followup from your team. I won’t say they are easier to play, but it’s certainly simpler. Why would you want to coordinate your plays with others when it’s much easier and faster to do them on your own on other heroes.

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“Sombra isn’t really good on this map”

I’ve been hearing this in every game I play

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“We need more damage”
“Sombra isn’t working”
“You’re throwing”
“We need a hitscan to counter Pharah”

You hacked Pharah, so she fell down, nobody in your team helped you kill her.


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Also happens when you initiate a fight with EMP, and despite having opponents with no shields, no movements, no ults, no cooldown available, you still lose the fight. But yeah sure it’s all Sombra’s fault.

But to think about it, Sombra IS, in fact, THROWING all the time!

You know, her Translocator :>

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Oooooooooooooooh. Now I see !

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yeah this meta is low key really good for her, the common anti meta, doomfist, pharah, etc. are all countered by sombra as well according to both meta and counter meta she should be used more, but she isnt.