Sombra is the new Mercy

Sombra was needlessly nerfed twice with no explanation or compensation.

Mercy nerfs were needed at the start; Blizzard then continued unnecessarily and made her awful to play as/with.

Don’t act so self righteous. People complained about mercy/sombra nerfs because they were unjust. How about we nerf the hero you play? With no explanation, no valid reason, other than the community hating playing against them.

Let’s see how you like it.


I believe Sombra got nerfed entirely because of OWL

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If so then the devs are really dumb, because they knew 2-2-2 and a meta change was coming, so this shows a big lack of forsight.

However their dev comment on the nerfs repeating the word “oppressive” makes me think they caved in to whiners.

Either way, both are dumb reasons for a bad decision.

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Yeah, sometimes I cringe at my own kind, even though I’m occasionally guilty of the same

But it’s mostly because people who play Sombra or Mercy tend to be passionate about their heroes

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I haven’t been paying attention to Sombra mains on the forums but yeah, a lot of those Mercy mains were saying this but it was a flat out lie on their part.

Is this the first time you’ve heard of Sombra in the last 3 years?

Gee, it’s almost as though people like to play them and when you repeatedly get hit with the nerf hammer, over and over and over, it kind of sucks.


So yeah, they said something but they were lying, trust me.

It is probably just as easy to ignore you here, too. :nail_care:

You must be misremembering. The number of sombra posts I see is like 1% of the number of Mercy posts I saw.

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Did you even read what I wrote?
I’m comparing the things they do and say, not the frequency. They’re following similar logic and tactics.

I also dont see Sombra players hijacking threads. I am not seeing any similar logic or tactics between them. Sombra only seems to come up when its relevant like “Doomfist has no counters” threads.


Same here but will definitely be noticing it when I do, now, thanks to this thread. I just don’t know that anything will compare to the dumpster fires that other Mercy mains started on these forums. :thinking:

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MoOvE aWaY aNd yOu wOn’T gEt pUnChEd.

EZ 2 aVoId

FaT HiTbOx, jUsT sHoOt hIm

EZ 2 kIll

[opens up the Leaderboards and they all go silent]


I believe that most changes since late 2017 have been for OWL including the Mercy Rework (because making a popular character appear in every game will surely be popular), followed by the Mercy Nerf Train (because it turned out to be unpopular especially among pros), followed by the Symmetra Rework (because pros weren’t using her enough), then there’s 2-2-2 Role Lock (because they couldn’t figure any other way to break the GOATS META in OWL).

However, it doesn’t mean all those changes were bad, but it does mean that the apparent motivation wasn’t to make the game more enjoyable to play.


Mercy was OP before, she got reworked, nobody liked the moth META (which was insanely OP) and she got a bunch of nerfs to make her less OP. Now she is just boring.

Sombra never had a chance. And even when she got use against GOATS, she still got nerfed just because people hated her. Not even a balance reasons. Niche hero in 2-2-2 situation got even more nerfs. That’s plain unfair and that’s why Sombra mains just want justice.


I mean mercy mains actually flooded the forum and it was unnecessary. Sombra is trash and she needs buffs.

Also, there aren’t enough sombra threads for it to be comparable to mercy.


Well duh, she’s a popular hero and was at the start of the game when there wasn’t really much choice regarding choosing a main healer at the time. Now you have Ana, which is somewhat superior and her pick rate shows it. There’s Moira, which lacks utility but gives good amounts of healing (particularly burst) and has some mobility with her fade. Then finally Baptiste, although honestly I don’t know how he is given I haven’t really played that hero much, just enough to see that he can fall into a main healer role.

Damage control, as simple as that. I also think there was more than three if you also count the old forum.

Yet Mercy was reworked based on emotions, not statistics. :thinking:

Factually it was no more than a dozen players who ‘held the forum hostage’ as you put it. A minority took part in things such as the failed raid, and don’t represent the majority of those unsatisfied with Mercy’s current state.


The complaints are completely warranted when the nerfs came from OWL for stupid reasons.

Its infuriating that the hero I love to play is getting nerfed thanks to people I’ll most likely never play against.


Tripple nerfed … shorter hack duration, longer EMP casttime and slower ult charge … hits her harder because her main utility comes from EMP

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