Sombra is played in nearly every game of OWL

We can go in a custom game now lol and I N show you the exact point in hack cast in which it no longer matters if you go out of Los

“Nearly every game”[]=130&team[]=&time=0&maptype=&map=&roundtype=&statsBy=1&heroes=

She’s used about as much as Winston, and doesn’t win nearly as much.

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She’s picked 45 percent this week, and 32 percent last week, so the number is dramatically increasing by week.

no the only thing stopping dva from being in every game is the devs.

who knew that 4 back to back nerfs could make a hero useless.


Still less than half, and it varies a lot by week depending on who’s playing. So no, not nearly every game, and her win rate is still poor.

It’s not going to vary week by week anymore until something is done about hack and emp.

Of course it will, there are teams like Shock, Spark, that just don’t use her; many more who are much more sparing and depend on map.

  1. You could actually read the post and watch the clips there is a clear explanation on how it works.
  2. You don’t need me for it there are bots and the workshop I mean you can use the workshop I made or make something yourself you can check how its made too.
  3. We would need to be in the same region or latancy would ruin the result anyway.
  4. I can also make a mode with a clock if you want that where I can show that breaking hack has nothing to do with where your are in the cast from a time perspective.
    That would be 100% prove wouldn’t it.

Infact here is a 100% prove that Hack doesn’t have a time based unbreakableness or however you wanne call it:

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Yes I am, cause you are demanding changes based on .1% of the player base.

That’s like saying nerf humans into the ground cause deties exist…

How about her 45 percent pickrate? Maybe doomfist is under represented because he’s so easily countered. Problem?

I think it is.
He is another character that has been meta for years.

Yeah, you moved way too early, that is horrible proof, if you wait til the hack is about 80-90 percent done, then move, it won’t break, you are moving immediately behind LOS but if you move at the last few millisecond and completely break LOS, the hack goes off

Sombra is just another example of pro play being 900% different from normal play.

In anything below diamond you’re lucky to see her once in a blue moon.

So am I worried about her pick rate in a pro league I NEITHER watch OR play in? NOPE!

Umm, it’s not very different. Especially for the people sombra hard counters.

It is vastly different. That’s like saying apples and oranges are the same xD

She only works with a team setup in voice comms and good synergy who will know to make use of the EMP. Otherwise it is a just a random sombra doing EMP that no one follows through on or makes use of.

Her hack has a cool down when interrupted, and is super easy to avoid due to the audio queue and being aware of your environment.

No, I can literally play her with 0 comms and carry, you just probably aren’t good at her

I don’t play her, just commenting that EMP on its own does not win team fights and how easy hack is to avoid.

Oh so you’re commenting on what’s needed to be a good sombra without even playing her


And what’s needed to counterplay her


If anything, EMP is far more effective in higher levels. It isn’t any harder to land because it happens almost instantly. The most you could hope for is to hide as Lucio and do a sound barrier afterwards.

I would like to see Sombra herself buffed and EMP nerfed. No hero should be picked purely just for their ult.

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Yeah. Outside of the pro scene and above diamond your team mates are likely going to be staggering as well as being scatted 95% of the time. In the pro scene peeps huddle together, making her deadly there.

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