Sombra is played in nearly every game of OWL

I made a post about sombra that was pretty inflammatory, and i argued back alot with people who told me sombra is never played/ needs buffs/ just misinformation but id like to apologize to the forums for my part in that

but i am glad now we see how high value a 6 second relatively easy to land cc is, and an ult that leaves an entire team mostly helpless

im refraining from saying I told you so.

I hope we can start looking at ways to add healthier counterplay against a sombra.

for picky people, i think a good rework would be, up the damage of her bullets, slightly lower the spread, reduce hack cc duration to 3-4 seconds, and put invis and translocator on a timer again so she cant permanently lurk your/ her backline


I think you mispelled Lucio, but yes, Sombra is seeing a lot of play right now.


funny how sombra is the only thing stopping from being in every game


id prefer… more counterplay.



Another one of these threads.

Yes, we’re seeing her a lot. And we’re also seeing her be switched off when things (fairly frequently) don’t work out.

Lucio is in more games than her. Is…that a problem, too?


is terrible how one hero can be a ultimate bot and no one say anything about that.


yes the aoe healing of brig and lucio is also a problem when stacked together, snipers one shotting from any distance is also a problem.

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Most CCs in the game are “relatively easy to land”.

And “an ult that leaves an entire team mostly helpless” also describes other ults like grav, transcendence, and beat drop.

As devastating as it is, EMP isn’t easy to execute against a coordinated team, and i’m speaking as a gold player. I can’t imagine how hard it is to land EMP on the top 0.01% of players.


you want to nerf the best GOATS counter?


So, let me ask you.

What wouldn’t be a problem, then? What heroes are allowed to be used a lot and be deemed completely acceptable?


not nerf, rework for more counterplay for ladder purposes. a 6 second cc that doesnt have to be aimed and takes .6 seconds to land isnt healthy for any game. except maybe world of warcraft

Lucio isn’t cancer to play against. I HATE playing against a sombra because she literally renders you USELESS by a point and click near instant hack. Not to mention her ult has zero counterplay. Jump out of stealth and press Q. WOW!!!

THe only counter is FORCING a support to HIDE to avoid the ult. Remember all the posts about how unfun it was for mercy to hide so she could ult?


i think they should all have different purposes for different situations besides, i can completely hard counter this with 1 hero.

Sombra exists because of the specific OWL meta.

EMP both works as an extreme counter against GOATS, since it’s primarily ability based due to the short range of most heroes in it, and as a win condition since GOATS typically lacks the burst to win fights when things like Transcendence or Sound Barrier goes off, making it much harder to win fights, unless Sombra can EMP first.

Sombra GOATS beat regular GOATS so Sombra GOATS becomes the meta. (Which also led to a rise in Ana play since Zen is hurt way more by EMP).

Plus OWL being the pinnacle of coordination in teams, actually has the communication to make Sombra work way better than Ladder.

Now that’s not to say that Sombra is a well designed or well balanced hero, I think Sombra’s is absolutely terribly designed and balanced, but unless you’re T3 or higher player, Sombra GOATS being meta isn’t really a huge issue for you.

Personally I’d love for them to take Sombra back to the drawing board and try and retune her into something that is somewhat decent in both SoloQ and professional play.


Sombra isn’t a Tank or Support so…

And she’s usually taking DVa’s spot, a hero who has had no competition for over 2 years in the meta so…

Sombra is fine. Call me back when the meta isn’t Triple Tank, Triple Support and we’ll talk


I agree. great points. I know they are trying to do whatever possible to break goats, and i do appreciate that, but this hero is very easy to get the hang of on ladder and quite frankly makes the game completely unenjoyable on certain heroes.

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2-2-2 role queue :slight_smile:

Pretty sure they literally just said at the beginning of Havanna she’s only picked around 36% of the time for Stage 3.


im just going to point out, multiple people are explaining to you why sombra is bad on your own thread where you tell us shes a necessary hard counter for 7 heroes in the game. reply to those people before you add to mine please.

I’m good with a DPS getting a lot of playtime in the OWL. I’ve watched enough goats to last me the rest of my life.