Sombra is officially useless now. Thanks. šŸ¤¬

And what was the rationale for the 2 second cooldown?

The day when the forums are okay with Sombra is the day the forums die. That will never happen but one can only hope.


If you are a Sombra main I am sure that you love to fight a helpless puppy with no skills avalaible, but Overwatch is about balance.

Mercy is the top main healer, but when her changes were on ptr, mainly everyone seen it as a nerf compared to 5 man res mercy. Same w/ dva, a lot of people thought sheā€™d be really bad after a few nerfs but shes still good. Sombra is on ptr, and sombra players see it as a nerf yet we still canā€™t judge it until itā€™s live.

I believe it was something along the lines of ā€œIt punishes sloppy play so itā€™s okayā€

And they were wrong, as history has proved.

you obviously donā€™t play sombra if you donā€™t understand why you are supposed to run passed the chokepoint. This is why actual sombra mains hate this patch. People like you that donā€™t play her think that you are supposed to stand at the choke point doing nothing when you are supposed to get behind the enemy team. Hence why every single thread from every single sombra main from bronze to top 500 hate this PTR change. Donā€™t take my word for it. Go through the threads and open every thread that has the word ā€œsombraā€ in it in a new tab. If you can find 1 single actual sombra main praise this change I will go to the zoo and punch a tiger in the face LOL. I have been going through them all day and havenā€™t seen a single sombra PTR thread like this change. I am a sombra main with nearly 200 hours on her and nearly 60 percent winrate. This change caused me to literally (not figuratively) depressed and fearful of what it will do to my winrate.

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Exactly. That makes Sombra mains wrong until proven right then.

When you compare Sombra players to Mercy players who just had their entire kit reworked compared to a Sombra who is actually useless now.

Fair comparison /s and youā€™re using that as a ā€œwrong until proven rightā€ which was already done by the way. Sombraā€™s are proven right. Top Sombras in the world are having more problems with her now. Anyone that played Sombra above gold is having more problems with her now than they did 2 days ago (shockingly).

Sheā€™s more clunky, has less utility, and the bugs still havenā€™t been fixed. But yeah, sheā€™s fine and those sombra mains donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.

I am reading their feedback and I think they have a point.

I have 34 hours with Sombra in QP (and a mediocre winrate) and today in the PTR I felt like the change is more forgiving for my sloppiness but has watered down the uniqueness of the class.

I think itā€™s pretty clear what Blizz is doing here with infinite invisibility: They want Sombra to dissapear.


For one I donā€™t think this change is good nor bad. I believe people need to understand we have no clue what impact the changes will have on live servers. I made a few replies before this one that is similar explaining the same thing. And I never said sombra was to stand at the choke point doing nothing, thatā€™s not her character. At choke points, damage is usually spammed to stop the enemy team, idk why youā€™d run past it when youā€™ll just get hit. She has a translocator to teleport herself behind themā€¦

LOL, thatā€™s pretty funny

Hmmm, are you saying top sombras who play against people on ptr can tell that shes bad now?

Iā€™m saying that everyone who plays against anyone as Sombra on the PTR can tell that sheā€™s bad now.

Who cares if itā€™s the PTR? If we keep ignoring the results of PTR matches, weā€™re gonna end up with another Doomfist nerf.

Who cares if itā€™s ptr? Ptr is quick play, meaning bronzes are playing against top 500, plats against grandmasters, etc. Until top sombras play with and against players of the same skill level, you can not, or should not judge based off ptr (unless there is an ability that is just extremely powerful)

Do they not have the technology to just fix Sombraā€™s bugs? Sombra is about getting the kill fast and get back and go again. Whatā€™s infinite stealth and infinite time on translocator gonna do to that? These are useless buffs if they can be called buffs at all. And indeed, itā€™s a greater nerf to Sombra than the bugs.

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I definitely feel it. Sheā€™s way too slow moving around the map and canā€™t reliably translocate mid fight if you donā€™t already have it deployed. I donā€™t know how the heck Iā€™m supposed to play her anymore. Not to mention the translocator can be heard from forever away, and when you use it mid air, it displays both the destroyed, and use visual effects, making it very bright and noticeable for somebody whoā€™s supposed to be stealthy.

She feels clunky, and her kit feels fragile. Sheā€™s already extraordinarily hard to be good with, these changes just made that problem worse by exasperating the already existing problem of consistency.

Not to mention the detection range. I mean what the heck. As if the other changes werenā€™t bulky enough, this is another problem.

Iā€™d rather revert all these changes and be an EMP bot on an invis and translocate time limit than not be able to maneuver around without getting bumped into and de stealthed all the time.

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I propose for consistency, 1 damage should force her to reload.

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It would be extremely smug and unfair to contest while invisible forever