Sombra is officially useless now. Thanks. 🤬

When Hammond’s mines have more HP than TL Beacon. :confused:


Sombra can still use her translocate while invisible.
It should be use more as a midfight escape.

I feel like the devs want to keep her as a F-tier hero at this point…


Yep. But they went high to make it look like a “successful” rework.

We don’t need to wait and see. the changes are very self apparent for what they give and take. I have probably 300+ hour son Sombra and I know exactly how these changes will impact me. The changes are also already out on PTR and it took all of a few minutes for players like Fitzy to say he doesn’t like it and that it’s a net nerf. It is 100% not a buff.


EDIT: Maybe the changes aren’t too bad (Minus a few of the things), we have to wait and see. The unable to contest nerf is, I think, dumb. If they had any sombra mains on the test team they would not remove that. The speed nerf is in the grey area mainly because that was a big part of my sombra kit, is getting to places ONLY because I had the movement, ex: Hanamura, point a and b defence both had good jumps.

Lmao this is worse than we thought, there are nerfs they are not telling us about in the patch notes.


Oh wow, so TL is also audible from 20m away.
TL now explodes when you go to it, so you’re basically revealed in Stealth.

I think the movement speed increase should start as soon as she starts to turn invisible, and end when she’s fully visible.

I don’t agree with her detection distance being increased.

Her not being able to contest while invisible is understandable, but her movement speed decrease is odd. But, you’re invisible forever, you can just toss a translocator across any gap you can’t make by jumping and stay invisible through the cooldown.

I’m actually really happy her translocator is destructible now. I hate get-out-of-jail-free cards.

She still needs her share of bug fixes related to her hack, and her damage still remains mediocre.

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Yeah i was hopeful but this is just horrid, i jist want her bugs fixed man

Enemies now hear the translocater from 20 metres away and the sound has been changed and its really loud

The changes they brought make her slimier to spy from Team Fortress 2

And in case you’ve never played it, a good spy in TF2 can bring hell down upon the opposing team.

And why in gods name are you running through CHOKES invisible???

I am agree.
All these changes are a serious nerf to the half-dead character.
The only useful change is the ability to destroy the translocator without teleportation. But even here a bad implementation is chosen.
If you have to destroy the translocator during the battle, you will not have time to look back. If you need to use the Sym teleport and you accidentally look towards the translocator … etc.

Why it was impossible to just put the destruction on the other key that is not being used? For example, on 2 because Sombra has only one weapon. It’s hard for me to understand. The use of one key for two, and in the future more different actions that may conflict and the need for focus, when the nature of use implies lack of it, this is a disgusting design decision.

Same with invisibility. I don’t think someone really need an infinite invisibility cause most of the time you just jumping on low health and get out. Also don’t understand why couldn’t contest in invisibility. I’m not a programmer but… Is this was so hard to add some sort of timer to invisibility while you on object if they want to change the ability that way? The timer that would broke it after and put on the cooldown?
I would understand if with the speed nerf and detection nerf she would have an ability to stick the walls or run on it like in PoP? Or jump higher or even double jump. But no. Let’s just ignore the actual problems of damage and bugs, and instead cut out what works correctly.

And yea i understand that Sombra, and mb Genji were conceived as characters who enter the enemy’s rear and kill those who are weakened.
And both times the idea failed.
Because the pace of the game by itself does not involve the use of such tactics as hide and seek!

I’m seriously disappointed in the methods of processing characters.

i love this new sombra <3 infinite stealth is funny as hell. I never liked playing her, now even more.

Gotta fix that bug quickly… /s

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What’s the lower tier than TRASH?

Sombra Tier!

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I’m gonna give it a chance. I think we all should, even though it doesn’t look promising at all.

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Okay but the lack of contesting only exists BECAUSE the stealth is infinite. If it wasn’t, that nerf wouldn’t have happened.

Because seriously it’d be the dumbest thing if you could contest while invisible and never have to break the stealth. That’d be the cheapest, least fun thing to have to deal with as a defending team on the face of the planet, and that’s even less fun than Spamzo.

It’s trash, they don’t play her. They are just coming up with dumb ideas and sending them to the PTR.

can she get an even lower pick rate? like -1% or something?

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