Sombra is officially useless now. Thanks. šŸ¤¬

This was never an issue. You guys act like all the walls are made of glass so as soon as you decloak thereā€™s nowhere to hide while waiting to engage. 5 seconds was more than plenty to reposition pretty much anywhere on the map from anywhere else without being seen.

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Hey, on the bright side the devs on Seagullā€™s stream did say that they understand why some people donā€™t like the Sombra changes and are willing to adjust them on the PTR if needed. Since we also have a new hero then sheā€™ll be on the PTR for at most 3 weeks. Thereā€™s still hope guys lol.

Honestly after trying PTR Sombra and then current Sombra, I actually strongly prefer current Sombra. Her speed in stealth actually feels good, not that mild jog she uses when in PTR stealth. And the fact that you are SO easy to detect makes invisible basically useless. Who cares if you have unlimited ā€œinvisibleā€ when it is really not invisible at all?

If you are anywhere on the battlefield, an enemy will run into your massive detection range by pure accident while people are moving around and fighting, its unavoidable

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Stop this.

By staying hidden longer youā€™re leaving your team at a numerical disadvantage longer.

That doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going to get a better opportunity, it means opportunities will pass as your team are more likely to lose players while you wait.

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Right, I understood what you were getting at in your post before this one with infinite stealth being more beneficial in the back line, and I agree. It gives you more time to set yourself up. I donā€™t think the infinite stealth or translocator are bad things at all and are in fact quite nice changes for players that wonā€™t abuse them with lazy play. I think the nerfs that they are coupled with are what are bringing the character down even farther. Iā€™ve had some more time playing PTR Sombra and have cooled down a bit since this morning, but I still stand by my opinion that the increased detection range and movement speed reduction are what are unecessary and the translocator having 5 HP is just as frustrating as being popped out of stealth by a D.Va fart. Being unable to cap points in stealth and translocator being destroyable are reasonable counter plays to infinite timers, but I feel like the other nerfs are completely unnecessary and just feel bad on a character that is already having a hard time and needs adjusting.

Thanks for the clarification. My personal experience was just using the stealth to get into a position of being sneaky and getting that kind of info anyway, these changes do just make it safer to do so like you said.

Iā€™ve been saying this in almost every post tonight, but in my opinion if they keep infinite stealth and translocator, but make her unable to contest points and give the translocator around 30 HP to provide more than enough counter play to the buffs then she will be in a better spot. The movement speed reduction, louder/more visible translocator, and longer detection range are all just too much.

I guess I am just glad that all the people here whoā€™re flaming Blizzard donā€™t know s*** about game design and ARENā€™T the ones making the decisions.

The meta will change a lot with the new hero.
Sombra will be very good in that new meta.

Doesnā€™t anybody see this?

Ok, tell me why she will be good? what advantages do her ā€œbuffsā€ give her?

The problem is that blizzard will not revert those sombra changes xd

Actually sheā€™s REALLY frigginā€™ strong right now, and I kinda like it. You have no idea how strong free intel is with infinite stealth.

It just promotes more SKILL, something thatā€™s new to OWā€¦

She wonā€™t be good necessarily because of the changes. She will be good because of the new meta, no matter whether itā€™s old or new Sombra.

The changes are there to lower the skill floor.
More people will play her and thatā€™s a good thing.

Hammond will counter the Rein, Brig, Zarya compositions with his minefield and shield and knockback and stuff. Very good anti deathball hero.

Doomfist is already making a reappearance.

Sombra will be VERY good against Hammond AND Doomfist with her hacks.

Thatā€™s why she will be good.

What Intel for example?

She already is a hard counter to half the heroes and noone is playing her.

For example, sitting on their behind high ground on Watchpoint, and calling out real time locations/strats of the enemy team. Especially useful since dive is so good on that map.

While that dive is going on, she can join in and get free ult.

My team and I already experimented a bit, itā€™s soooo good.

Yeah, because playing her right meant you had to time your stealth perfectly and to find the right opportunity to contribute and join the fight.

Now with infinite stealth you donā€™t have to be a grandmaster player anymore to figure out how to be good at playing her.

I honestly love every single change in this new patch.
It just makes perfect sense to me.

Are they expecting Sombra to die more often now?

This is not arma3 ā€¦. the maps are tiny. You can see where your enemy is 90% of the time and Sombra standing in the backline watching means you are on a 5v6.

if you hate the buffs that blizzard gave to sombra then stop playing her because I see a lot of sombra mains that are complaining about this is a nerf yet they cant learn how to work around it.

movement speed is now 50% when you use stealth ok so what I really didnā€™t care because I can work around it.

canā€™t contest a point if your in stealth you can just learn how to play on the point without going in to stealth unless you are trying to get away when you are low

translocator can be destroyed by enemy team yeah that will hurt but so what its better than to have your translocator camped by someone waiting for you to use it atleast you know that someone found your translocator

I have over 100 hours on sombra just with this patch on ptr you really think I would quit playing a hero just because of this learn to work around it

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I am a gold Sombra main and i have no problem with time management ā€¦ it takes some hours but itā€™s not that hard. Would you increase hitboxes to make it easyer to hit people with Widow?

Even the high ranked Sombra mains are complaining. How about that?

I actually found it less stressful to micromanage and got more hacks out of my games so far. Only thing I donā€™t like is having my translocator right when I throw it to escape a fight.

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