Sombra is necessary and fine

She is needed cause doom and ball is in this game. It is literally that simple. She is also fun and interesting hero to have in the game. If you play with your team she does not destroy you, unless you are playing ball and doom.

She is also very effective against widow, another hero this community loves to whine about. Also for me personally as you mentioned she is good against mercy. Able to at least have a chance at blocking rez.

Anyways she is clearly in the game coz doom and ball. I’ll take the trade any day btw. Just saying. Nothing feels more terrible than their CC and mobility creep delux.

Dunno why people still cry how Sombra is broken and OP. During first seasons there was a lament about stationary teleport, hack when invisible and Sombra’s too small hitbox iirc. Now there is a lament about fast escape teleport, hack plus virus combo and too big dmg from SMG. Its unfair, that Blizzard need to nerf and/or rebuild my Sombra every season, cause ppl doesn’t understand how to play this game, not because Sombra is OP. The same situation is with my favourite monke, Winston.

You completely missed the entire point of the complaints.

It’s not about CC.

It’s the fact that she is now a generalist DPS with the added utility of hack and permanent invis.

If the enemy team has sombra, your list of playable heroes in a solo queue environment shrinks immediately. That’s now how the game is supposed to work.


Sombra forces u to swap like no other. Its bad for the game. CC dont matter at all

Ye she is kind of fine is just that permanent invisible is better if its an abillty then you need to think when you can use it insted of just sneak around with no risk.

you know what we need? a hero that can reset cooldowns of teammates! put that ability on a 3 second cooldown so it matches sombra’s hack. also give it invis so it can be anywhere and counter sombra. make THAT hero HAVE NO counter PLAY!!! HOLY S*** IM SO HARD RIGHT NOW I LOVE BALANCING HELL YEAHH BROTHER LETSOGOOOOOO BLIZZARD HIRE ME

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I was literally about to make an analogy about magic and the blue slice of the color pie.

Same shid different game.

Timmys just wanna Timmy.

I just like saying ‘no’

She’s really not needed. Orisa exists, and is more than capable of shutting down both Ball and Doom.

Not in her current iteration. Maybe when invis was on a timer and she had to pick her engagements more carefully, but now? Nothing about her is interesting. It’s all just Virus, followed by Hack, followed by a quick spray and pray. Nine times out of ten, you’ll be targeting a support. Nine times out of ten, you’ll get the kill.

If Sombra (with her current kit) was removed from the game, the game would only improve. A stealth disabler has no place in Overwatch.


Make stealth a limited duration like it was on her release and she’s fine.

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You sound like C&C Generals ZH “pro” community member, that ban and limit certain units, cuz “they are muh OP and break ze game” lol. I can’t wait for “pro” rules banning me from using Sombra’s full potential in Comp. The maybe lets ban Fara’s flying ability, cuz its OP too? She’s got Rockets uh huh. Or ban Ana, cuz she had too long range of fire and can headshot or put info insta sleep most of the roster without a sweat. Or ban Torbjorn, cuz he had turret and high DMG. Or ban Dva, cuz she had doubled lifebar thanks to the in-mech and outside mech mode lol.

Necessary? Not even close, blizzard can simply nerf the hyper mobile heroes like they should and completely overhaul sombra instead. CC or disruptions should only be given to tanks. No dps or support should have any form of CC apart from boops. Hyper mobile heroes have been needing a nerf for a long time now, with the HP changes, that became more apparent. Tracer has never been easier, sombra has never been easier, winston, doom, ball doing whatever they want. Now venture is going around doing one shot combo’s while having a ton of mobility. Its out of control, every new hero that has released in OW2 has some form of mobility or escape option, all while being allowed to do a ton of damage.

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Imo the only time that justifies a Sombra is if the enemy picks WB. WB players honestly deserve it.

Oh and Widow.

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The right way is just nerfing the op ones, instead of adding another op counter. We all saw it only made things worse in OW1.

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Not in my experience. This on top of tanks just having huge egos in general. When on dps I rather not leave it in their hands.

Dunno who does that at my rank🤷‍♂️ my teammates maybe? JK even they know how to actually aim.

I mean she is not overpowered thou. For a lot of people doom and ball are the exact same as sombra → boring. You can’t have one without the other. Why justifies the existence of one hero design with no counters and boring mechanics over another? Coz they both have counters. And I do not see any petitions to remove sombra counters🤷‍♂️

Hahahahaha literally though, they can’t go,“Oh I’m mad that I’m not doing well as (insert color here) so I’m going to change to esper prison”

I legitimately had a venture change to Sombra because I hit them with a sleep dart right as their ult started in pursuit of me. It was a great time, she’s so fair, fine, and balanced and totally not a character that most people play out of spite and targeting ever.