Sombra is currently the worst hero in GM

0.10% pickrate and a 37% winrate this week. Bastion is out performing Sombra in a rank where the level of coordination is supposed to make her excel.

Can we get some meaningful changes? Perhaps powershift some value out of hack and into other parts of her kit?


Okay while I do agree that sombra is hot :poop:, you shouldn’t use this week GM stats for heroes with extremely low pickrates like her and bastion.

literally in the past week its likely that they have less than ten games played total. It gives a weird data point that fluctuates too much to be accurate.


Now that you mention it, Fitzy hasn’t played much OW in the past week so it wouldn’t surprise me if her PR dropped so much because of him lol

Just goes to show how a “broken” hero is so bad she’s rarely picked.


I don’t think anyone really calls her broken. The most complaints I here about her is people not wanting her buffed because of hack or EMP.

I think she is trash in GM because rush and dive are pretty bad (metas she was viable in) and there is almost no reason to pick her over Tracer

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Sure. Make it so that EMP doesn’t go through barriers and bubbles.

I don’t even play Sombra, and that part’s pretty obvious to me that EMP usage at Pro/Top500 tier is what’s holding her back.


Powershift her from being an EMP bot to having more damage on her gun.


Remove one of the only hard counters to double shield? :thinking:


It’s not really that much of a hard counter considering how hard it is to get Ult charge when the barriers are up.

That said, would be interesting if a team had DoubleBarrier, if it made it so that barriers fed Ult charge.

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Sombra is a counter hero. When there is a hero super op that needs to be taken down they pick sombra, since there isn’t a super op hero that needs to be taken down they don’t pick sombra. Easy as that.

Top 100 pickrates I’ve seen are

Tracer 69 23.00%
Ashe 51 17.00%
McCree 45 15.00%
Echo 30 10.00%
Widowmaker 29 9.67%
Hanzo 25 8.33%
Soldier 76 16 5.33%
Torbjorn 11 3.67%
Symmetra 7 2.33%
Doomfist 5 1.67%
Bastion 3 1.00%
Sombra 3 1.00%
Genji 2 0.67%
Reaper 2 0.67%
Junkrat 1 0.33%
Mei 1 0.33%
Pharah 0 0.00%

For DPS. She ain’t the only one.

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Surprise surprise look who is at the very top, “tRaCeR iS bAlAnCeD”

You know that Sombra is EMP bot not because of hack but because of her stealth and translocator, which instead of give actual impact in fight gives her time which is useful only for full stacks / OWL


And if you buff her dmg / nerf hack she would receive stealth nerf , cause high dps + stealth character is very busted combination after that she will be much worse

So remove thing which makes EMP actually useful ?

Its like remove multiple beam in Mercy’s ult or sticking from Tracer’s bomb


Having Tracer up top is preferable to more snipers and more DoubleBarrier.


I mean, it would still destroy barriers instantly, and hack anybody affected.

But the idea that EMP just gets to be “basically uncounterable”, except for splitting the team’s positions to be far away from each other. Is really what’s keeping Sombra’s usage down so low.

Still as annoying as the rest of them.

“Sombra is bad, please nerf hack, so we can buff her.”
This forum never ceases to amaze me.


Since cast time was increased its not that hard to react to and use ult as Mercy or Zen or just stun her

It isn’t

Infinite stealth and translocator are

They are bad for ladder cause it lowers her possibilities as solo player, makes her bad as disruptor or flanker

Only thing that it gives is a ability to wait for hack which is a clear wasting time everywhere but OWL


I’ve been play Sombra since her release, and I really don’t know any Sombra main that actually wanted infinite stealth. Most of us thought that it’d just lead to unfair nerfs for an ability that effectively takes her out of the fight even more than she already was.

There are many things I wish they’d do, but Sombra feels like one of those heroes they’re too afraid to do anything with because of theorycrafted OPness and antifunness.


Yeah that’s pretty dumb when you factor in anything besides LAN network play.

Much less range or travel time of any sort of stun.

Combined with any sort of network lag, and you’re reaching the extreme’s of what’s possible with human reaction speed.