Sombra is being revived 🌟 So We Thought

i just hope they dont rework her like they did Mercy and Symmetra. some buffs and a ton of bug fixes are all i would ever one want but lets see what happens. im just glad that Sombra is finally getting something :slight_smile:


So many people keep saying this that I wonder if Blizzards Symmetra remake is one huge mistake. We like the heroes we got and nobody seems to want a brand new hero under an old skin…


Just hope Sombra will be better, and keep to be her


oh! i just meant i dont want a drastic change as they have gotten.


I’d be fine with a D.Va level of rework. :heart_eyes:


I agree. Fix what’s broken and leave what’s working. We don’t need a “new” hero. We just want a working version of what we got :slight_smile:


Genji is played more than Brigitte. Definitely very irrelevant. Genji is actually the worst hero in the game right now if you didn’t know. /s

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It take time and patients, plus with Sombra your team really need to play coordinate to make Sombra effective.

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Exactly, and as many said people were overrating… I just hope we can avoid this when she gets buffed.

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Hopefully these changes will help her, without hindering or changing her play style.


I know : (. Too bad I haven’t switched since placements on this account.

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I was thinking about doing my placements either tonight or tomorrow, but since I haven’t played this game all week, my aim is quite off.

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Aim doesn’t exist. Don’t believe in aim. Only people in top 5 have real aim.

Oh aim exist lol… Who you think is the top 5 aim heroes?

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I don’t know. No one knows

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The question is. Will they make Sombra a good hero in the current meta or will they just bring her in line with other DPS classes like Genji and Tracer? :thinking:

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I’ve been wondering if the current meta was made to bring Tracer, Genji and others in line with Sombra. They almost managed it with 76.

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Great question!