Still it’s pretty noticable how bad she is now. She’s only good for a primary hack and pretty much has to get carried by her team. “sombra you were useless” is a common phrase and they’re right for the most part. She just really cant benefit her team well in a fight besides EMP and drawing attention away from the frontline when the enemy has a control point.
I’d say: other players don’t react at your callouts.
I can’t help but be glad because as much as I like her boop she’s annoying and unfun to play against.
What is that agrument all the time?!?
“Sombra is good you just don’t know how to play her”
Its been TWO YEARS since she came out and quite a few including me play her since then. We know how to use her we now how she works and we know how wrongly she is balanced.
She is usable at pro tier because of quite a few thing.
- She does not require a speziall skill anymore (micromanagement is gone) so pros can pick her up easily
- The mate changed and it greatly benefits Sombra
- Brig is in the game Sombra is better against her then Tracer
- The teamplay is godlike there
On ladder where we don’t have that teamplay nor is she an easy pickup Sombra is still UP.
to do well with sombra you need four things
- ALOT of practice on her, especially tracking with her horrible weapon.
- A good number of hackable targets on the enemy team at least 3, and no not EVERY hero getting hacked means they are worthless. Hack a hanzo and he’ll put an arrow stright through your head for pissing him off at hack range.
- A good team that can follow up on your hacks and EMPs.
- A MIC!!! If your playing sombra without a mic your just screwing yourself and your team over. She is one of the few heroes where you need a mic to get any real work done. Playing silent on sombra is the worst thing you can do for you and your team.
It’s not that unreliable.
Yet, she can deal with the turret quicker because it’s 250 hp and it will go on 10 second cd after death. And it can’t be saved by MOLTEN CORE or simple turret replacement.
Also torb can’t always wear his kevlar. Now he has an ability that gives him 150 temporary armor. Gosh, only if sombra could somehow prevent enemies from casting abilities
All the data thus far indicates its the format of the OWL that is causing the disparity, honestly. Teams train with the same people for ages. They mostly know who their opponents will be.
So more information makes a bigger difference there than on ladder, where people will not have developed things like short hand communication signals to keep the noise clutter to a minimum while quickly conveying information.
We can learn some things about the ladder game from them, some of it does flow down. But some things will only be possible under the unique circumstances of a professional team environment.
But Sombra’s winrate is positive even at Diamond, and I don’t consider Diamond tier to be professional level communication. I think people overestimate just how much communication is needed from Sombra for her to work, and I think that stems from just how low the bar is for having any positive communication in the game.
And again, if Sombra is a hero that’s limited to just the higher ranks? That’s no different than Widowmaker, a hero we’re all fine being trash in low tiers but basically mandatory at the highest. While I do think Sombra’s kit could be adjusted to balance this out a bit, I also don’t see it as some pressing problem. She’s much more usable and user-friendly now, there’s niches she can fill to have great effect, and if you get good with her and learn how to effectively communicate with an ideally coordinated team, you reap wonderful rewards.
It might just be the case that Sombra, like many heroes, is a situational pick that just doesn’t work well without the team to back her up. And considering the mechanics of her kit, that might just have to be the best place for her if anyone wants to see her played.
With the changes to pharah she can no longer 2 shot someone unless both of the rockets are direct hits
Her pick and winrate are both on the decline since the start of season 12 at GM. There was a lot of Sombra hype at the start of the season but it’s already going down. Probably because people cannot replicate the results on OWL with her on ladder.
I’m tired of seeing this non-argument whenever someone has zero facts to back up their point. I’ve got 170 hours on Sombra since release bud, I know how to play her.
Weren’t people complaining about Sombra being braindead and OP yesterday?
More rapid fire = more frequent reload
Reload time isn’t reduced, and most hacks pulled off to Pharah are during her reload window
Pharah has the slowest projectile that can’t bounce off surfaces among all characters’ primary fires, so her rocket direct hits on small targets would be the least consistent skill shots. Before Pharah can 2 shot Sombra with a 120 direct hit and a 80 max splash, now both shots will have to be direct hits or it will take 3 hits no matter how close the second rocket lands
So on one hand it raised Pharah’s skill ceiling if the player can consistently dish out direct rocket hits, and on the other hand, more Sombra counterplay
I don’t think you will see ANY Pharah on PC after the update. There is just no point.
Sombra is not bad. Practice makes perfect.
Could be worse you could be reaper
Reaper isn’t that much worst on ladder them Sombra he can atleast do things without his team.
Why do you even compair these two just because one is worst does not make the other one good.
Again you can be a Sombra god without your team you’re not gona do anything Sombra is way to much teamplay to be called “not bad” she has millions of problems from how she is played in pro play over how many bugs she has to how non-fuctional she is on ladder.
Ever since private profiles came out, websites like Overbuff have gotten useless and misinforming.
He has to hit you for the Turret to track you. Therefor it’s actually a buff to sombra as she can now she hack more before getting shoot.
Explain to me how that makes Sombra worse.
Also even if that stat is correct, that’s not bad. Balanced is not 50% win rate. It could mean she is just high skilled. What’s what’s wrong with that? Eveyone having exactly the same win rate, pick rate and all being the same difficultly to play sounds boring.
Can we just stop with this winrate garbage?
The only time winrates are ever relevant are when characters are hitting near 100% team pickrate and retain above 50% winrate (Mercy 2.0)
Sombra is a hard hero to learn, and she is not as solo carry capable as Genji or Tracer, but she is still immensely powerful if you have a team who understands how strong hack is and can engage when you land one.
It’s the same with Mercy. She’s now A LOT weaker than she used to be, but she is NOT useless. The only argument people have is that her winrate is low. Well guess what? Every single Mercy one trick is still religiously picking Mercy every single game, in every single sitation, when the reality is that she fulfills a niche and struggles to sustain tank heavy comps. That’s where all the losses come from.
And then Sombra. Sombra is part of OW’s ladder ecology. Some heroes are naturally better at higher ratings, and worse at lower. The same is true in reverse.
How many Reapers, Bastions, and Junkrats do you see in silver? Now how many in GM? Not every hero is perfectly suited for every rank. Sombra and Tracer are insanely strong in ranks where teamwork and strong mechanics are a given, but weak in brackets where they are not.