Sombra has slowed down

This quote is from Symmetra’s rework, were Geoff talks about the changes they went through with Sym

Overwatch is a fast paced game; slow paced heroes just don’t do as well on principal, and have to have a lot to make up for it (see Brigitte’s CC, Reinhardt’s massive need for healing). SYmmetra was moved from potentially being a healer because it felt “super awkward, especially with how fast Overwatch moves.”

Sombra is now in that same spot on the PTR that Symmetra was in her testing phases; super awkward and slow, especially compared to the fast paced action of the game and where she is on live. Sitting in a corner, waiting for the perfect moment to strike which may not come is literally one of the slowest ways to play Overwatch.


Agreed, Danteh in his interview has also said the same. The current changes on the PTR are only making sombra feel AND play more slowly. Danteh says that Sombra by default is a slower her, while I wouldn’t call her slow, she needs to “ramp up” meaning needs to set up before she can engage whereas Genji or Tracer can just jump in right from the get-go. Slowing Sombra down and drawing out that preparation period just makes her less viable.

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With the amount of players I’ve seen who are against the new Sombra changes, I’m guessing Blizzard will change her back.

I think they said in an interview that they’re gonna go to live and see what happens before they decide anything. One of the seagull interviews, cuz our words don’t matter.

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I think Blizzard listen more closely to what pros have to say on hero balances than the general masses like us. A shame really.

Well on the one hand, the general masses aren’t always right and we’re usually selfish. On the other hand, the overwatch devs and the pros had a meeting after Sombra’s Hack Buff and she got nerfed super fast so she wouldn’t be played in OWL

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8.25 m/s movement speed + being able to teleport. Slow btw.


Cool. Did you read the part where I said

The change in speed feels terrible, but Somnra’'s new kit is forcing a terrible ambush playstyle which just doesn’t work. It can be done with relative ease on live, but while she’s sitting up in the corner of translocating out of danger, her team is fighting a 5v6.

I must be the only person that likes the Sombra changes. :sweat_smile:

But why? There’s nothing she can do on the PTR that she can’t do on live.

It’s at 59m15s when they start talking about Sombra.

It’s not playing can you just post the link?

here Twitch