Sombra has had the lowest win rate for the last 6 months

It seems in your anger, you killed her.

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Making a huge play with an emp or a hack onto someone like a rein always feels dirty to me so I’m a bit biased against her. You can have a class based shooter without having literal moba levels of silencing.

If anything I would rather see her damage and mobility be a bit more effective somehow, not her silencing. I would hate for her to be anything but a niche pick unless they did that.

So long as she’s good in her niche, no one minds her being a niche pick. The last thing any main should want is their hero to be meta, because it means everyone is trying to play their hero to varying degrees of failure. The fact is that Sombra sucks in her niche

IMHO Fitzy is the best Sombra player. And for the last and current seasons he has been struggling even to get to top 500.
So all of you arguments “She is good, you just do not know how to play her” are invalid.

I can understand that. It’s definitely annoying. I loved playing tracer during the original ana tank meta because there was never any competition. Nobody wanted to play tracer, so it felt really good to be that guy ya know? Then suddenly every game has 3 people trying to play her.

I’m not saying I want her to suck, I just mean that I feel like making hack good enough to be consistent would make her a really meta pick, especially with how many characters rely solely on their abilities. I would much rather them make her damage more consistent.

Knowing Blizzard, they’ll probably do something like: “EMP radius increased by 10 meters”

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Even when Hack was consistently good for those 2 weeks in february, her pickrate only jumped 1% and was dropping off before the nerf hit her.

NOOOOOOOO Darth Vader stuff happens

She’s just bad, and she’s too hated by the community as “Hack is worse than death” apparently, so honestly, just delete her from the roster.

Maybe come back when they had some good ideas for her, I dunno. I cannot fricking stand having her on my team at this level, and playing against her is just a hilarious free win.

She is just totally irredeemable at this point.

And I say this wearing a Sombra T shirt. That’s how bad she’s got.

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This just isn’t true, I’ve literally seen EMPed Soldiers get match winning PotGs. Without ulting.

The other team must have been in a crummy situation from the start or he had god-like aim.

Not really, literally took out half their team, he just pops up from a ‘good position’ and so in spite of “no abilities” still hoses down what’s left. That’s pretty much how you counter her very existence, just have 1-2 heroes that aren’t bothered by being Hacked/EMPed, it’s neither complicated nor rocket science.

It’s not even something that just happened once.

Glad to see threads like these are popping up again without people using contenders as an excuse.

She needs something

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What exactly is her niche? Niche would imply she’d have a good win rate in spite of rarely being used. She’s not used and never wins? What’s that niche? Deranking?


People need to stop pretend that the next step to f-tier is being meta.
There are different shades of viability.

Most Sombra players arent even asking for huge buffs, but blizzard wont even add the timer skulls for better visualisation even though that has been requested like a gazillion times over 2 years.

Instead they give her infinite durations nobody asked for and almost everyone is against it and compensate their own idea they force on us with further nerfs to her kit.


Yeah we could also go with the classic “Hey … it could be worse, look at Reaper and Bastion”.

Their best players are Spirit (quit playing Reaper long ago) and Kolorblind (only plays Bastion with a 3 stack that gives him room to breathe).

Sombra has GREAT abilities but she is indeed a difficult hero to get winrates up because she is a niche hero, not a generalist and the sync/coordination element is HUGE in her game play.

The moment you buff any of her aspects to make her even more easy to play (let me remind you invis used NOT to be eternal), you can create a lot of problems. So im going to go with “So?” for this one.

Orrrrr learn from better Sombra players and actually abuse her in solo Q.

Despite all the nerfs and mishandling of her changes Fitzy is still able to maintain T500 or high GM alongside other sombra mains.

It is still doable mate you just have to git gud.

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What’s her niche aside from deranking? If she had a niche, she’d generate a win rate from it. Her win rates are lamentable.

Honestly, the state of Sombra is the one thing in this game that makes me truly angry.

I would like to see a 10-15% increase in the machine pistols damage. She just doesn’t hit hard enough.

I think that because she is loved by the lower ranks so can’t do much with her.

I really want her to be better. She’s the one of last heroes I enjoy playing other than Ashe.