Sombra has had the lowest win rate for the last 6 months

Team coordination and Sync.
She is an Enabler more than a DPS, definitely not a finisher.

You can see her as the joker in poker. If your team cooperates and is good, she is insane and stomps of the enemy. If your team is bad and doesnt cooperate, she is not going to carry the game and will probably be like she doesnt exist.

Okay. Cool. Someone has to have lowest win rate. And luckily it’s the hero who doesn’t let people play the game or have fun. I mean, her competition in having the worst win rate is McCree and Soldier, and at least those heroes have to do a little more than hold right click for half a second in order to stop someone from playing the game.

Just stop okay. If any of that was true, she would see use and win matches.

She doesn’t do either. Those teams have that coordination, and they’re better off using Zen, or literally almost anyone else with it.

revert her. fixbugs. She was fine and fun.

sombra is annoying pls no

Yes, but Sombra and McCree have different issues. Sombra’s is just under tuned and in need of a lot of QoL buffs in addition to some minor number tweaks. McCree has a kit that has never worked except when he was an OP sniper with a six shooter, a combo that could one shot tanks, and was part of a roster with significantly less options to counter him than we have right now. Sombra could be really great with some minor tweaks, I think McCree needs more than that.

It is though, and it does. I check streamers that use her constantly.

You will probably not see her in your rank and thats understandable but you also have to understand that you have a very “particular” vision (to be delicate) about certain characters.

Zen doesnt cover the spot that Somb … yeah you are right, its pointless. Stopping now.

Watching a few streams is statistically irrelevant. I’m sorry, but she is not a good hero.

I love her, I’m literally wearing a Sombra t shirt right now. But she’s sucks. Absolutely and unequivocally. She is terrible.

As for the Zen bit, the overlap is on shooting the discord target. If you can do that, you can shoot/call a Hacked one. It’s not unique it’s not special.


It doesn’t automatically mean she’s bad…but she is bad.

Your silver rank vision about the game and reputation on the forums doesnt help either pal.

You said Stop. So yeah, stop. Ok ?
You are not convincing me, not in this life or the next one and no, you are not right, but you are never going to buckle so its pointless.

Quit replying to me.

Sombra isn’t bad. She has the most play-making potential than any hero in the roster. And she can shut down any hero in the game. The problem is she heavily relies on follow-up. You need people on your team to actually take advantage of an EMP or a hack. If that doesn’t happen, it’s better to switch off.

I have had games where I was in the perfect position and ready to EMP - everyone was there and I EMP’d the enemy team… and nothing. They just sat there and did absolutely nothing. Acting like the EMP didn’t happen and didn’t play aggressive.

IMO, Sombra doesn’t necessarily need changes or a buff. The match maker needs a buff.


Sombra is a utility hero, so she shouldn’t have the killing power of say Reaper or tracer. But she shouldn’t be worthless. You know who is a utility style hero who can actually contribute beyond disabling an enemy team member? Mei.

Mei gets a free pass to be an ability denying, area denying, movement denying demon because she is original roster. Hell even EMP isn’t as annoying as Blizzard. It has a larger radius, but you’re denied abilities, not frozen solid. Mei and Sombra have the same role essentially, except Mei can kill on top of her kit and Sombra cannot.

Bring Sombra Up to Mei’s Level of Viability.

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If they can follow up a Graviton, a Discord, an Earthshatter, a Nanoboost, or even a Supercharger.

They can follow up an EMP or Hack!

What is so special about it that you think they can’t?

Until she actually becomes viable, it’s just going to be games like this.

Pretty amazing that she’s a thrower and a carrier at the same time :smile:


Kinda tilted right now, i’m calling it a day


Never said they could. Sometimes you get brain-dead teams. I think the issue is Sombra is too reliant on the team. Zarya and Zen have other things they can do. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing as what Sombra does is powerful… but all she does is shut-down abilities. She can 1v1, but that’s about it.

Sadly this is just player perception. They believe she is bad and nothing will change their mind. If they actually cooperated you would shut down the enemy team.

This game is pretty complex when you start taking it seriously, there’s so much team play necessary that barely anyone plays ‘correctly’. Think of the strats/comps that have been popular over the game’s 3 years. They could be executed by vegetables.

It’s far easier and more intuitive to just pick a bruteforce dps and hold left click than it is to integrate another hero, especially one in the dps role, to the same sort of team play, general support and follow ups etc. like tank and support already require.

It seems like perhaps having 5 heroes on your team lacking the sort of autonomy most of the ‘dps’ possess is just too much to burden. And before you say GOATs… it’s a braindead vegetable ready comp/strategy that doesn’t require any sort of unintuitive play.

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bUt haCk Is UnFun shE DeServEs tO Be bAd

BS people thought Hanzo and Widow were bad, because they were bad. Now they’re buffed and we see they’re good and they get regular nerf threads.

That is also player perception. While they thought Hanzo was bad, they cried about how OP scatter arrow was and demanded it get replaced. Sombra has also gotten regular changes as well.

A good Sombra can carry a game, mostly when people cooperate. If players complain the entire time sitting while typing about “how bad” their Sombra is then the Sombra doesn’t get follow-up and it just confirms their shallow brain-dead views.

If she were to get changes, she needs to be able to get value without needing follow up. I’m not sure how they would do that.