Sombra hacking lag

during numerous games when i played sombra, when i used her hacking ability the game would extremely lag until the enemy was hacked/i was hit. my friend also had the same issue, (this occured on xbox one)


This happens on PS4 too. When you start to Hack, there is a massive drop in the FPS until the Hack completes or you stop Hacking. Sometimes the Hack breaks or sometimes the audio doesn’t finish when you Hack.

Yet again… Hack is totally buggy


there are a lot of pretty hard to miss bugs in the new update and it’s sad


Same here (PS4) When i try to hack i got an extremely lag.

I concur. With Xbox its the same, start to hack and extreme drop in FPS.

They fixed it on PTR it should be live with the next patch.

Source: Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside! - #288 by TomPowers