Sombra Hack thru walls

Sombra’s hack also had a small leniency on it to make it reliable. You know, the same thing Mercy has on her healing beam.

no, this is a known issue

It doesnt work like Mercy beam. Hack always brakes if LoS is missing unless the Sombra herself is hugging a wall. Its kind of weird.

So is Hanzo arrow hitting me behind wall…

She can hack you as long as part of your hitbox is still visible on her end. This is by design.

This is because of the low server tick rate that I was talking about earlier.

It’s just like when you use Ice Block or Blink as Tracer then instantly die. In the kill cam you don’t even see ice block or blink go off. Often happens to me. A common one is jump as Winston but in KK you don’t jump or Pharah Rocket Boost but in KK you don’t see it go off.

Tick rate use to be like 21 when the game lunched but people complained and Blizz increased it to 60.

It isn’t a leniency system as seen here:

Here I get teleported instandly the moment hack starts to a position that isn’t in los but hack goes all the way through regardless. Hack break isn’t a typical LoS check its a different kind of system

that’s simply because 90% of Hanzo has trash internet
Sombras hacking outside her distance is a known issue, not latency.

It can be done just by uploading data to just the point where you’re max upload speed is almost completely used. I could just set streaming data at just the right high quality to use ~98% of my upload bandwith which will cause download lag. Can’t ban someone for doing that.

I think its a LoS check system with a bug once Sombra hugs the wall.

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It probably is yea either that or its just an oversight. It isn’t leniency allowing for it tho.

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I don’t know if this is a bug or leniency.
As a mei main have I been hacked multiple times when I go in my iceblock.

I will test this myself later, but right now I can’t. I will upload the results later.

Every attack in Overwatch appears to penetrate walls from your perspective occasionally. This is due to latency and it’s in every PvP shooter. Not much the dev can do about that really.

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You can get hacked through iceblock and or Bubbles but that isn’t a leniency system at work but latency and favour the shooter i can show you that with two clips too.

Okey what interests us in this clip is the first number at the top middle. It shows us the set time the game will wait from start of hack to teleporting the Lucio out of Hack’s LoS. The second number at the top middle shows us the time from starting hack to finishing it its basically a clock. As you can see with we put the clock on 0.53s hack goes through which first would indicate a leniency system but there are a few thing we need to consider:
The teleport command commes from Sombra’s client meaning it first needs to send it to the server which takes 0.03s with my current ping (which is important for later) then the server does changes the coordinates of Lucio and sends them back to Sombra this leaves us with 0.03s which can be lost anywhere to be honest we loose atleast part of it to the tickrate and the rest most likely to calculation.

Obv I also have a way to proof that its a letancy issue I simply did the same test with a VPN on to manually increase my ping:

As we see with an increased ping the time changes too.

Latency is something that happens on client side.
Abilities, ultimates, kills and such are something that happens on server side.

If an ability interrupt the ability of another player will the server priotize one ability over the other and refund the other:

(I can’t make new video now so you have to do with this one.)

When a Roadhog hooks a player and the LOS breaks, will the enemy no longer be hooked, even if it has already landed on Roadhog’s screen.

The same thing doesn’t happen with Sombra’s hack though. When Sombra is hacking a Reaper, Mei or Moira and they use their invulnerability ability, should the hack be interrupted, but it doesn’t. This is why I think it has leniency on it.

But like I said before, I want to test this as soon as I have the chance.

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Well if the ability has reached the server before the other stun it will execute or be cancled. However if the stun reaches the server first the server will treat the ability that was used as never really used and refunds it.

You can read and see clips from people that gkt hoocked, stunned or hacked out of doom’s mei’s ice or Zarya’s bubble the diffrence is hack doesn’t force stop these abilities.

You can force hack people in these abilities with the workshop and they won’t break because both are allowed to go though but hack doesn’t cancel them the outcome is what we see. Hook and stun on the other hand will break/cancle the ability and they won’t be refunded they go on cooldown.

If hack would have lentiency it would break in my first clip.

And in my second and third there is room for lenienty but only about 0.016-0.032 which are one to two ticks and would be unnoticable.

And hack actually had a lenienty once but they completely patched it out and I don’t think they secretly patched it back in

Thats from the 15 mar 2018.

Im thrilled to see your testing result too tho.

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I mean, no. Otherwise everyone would be trying to lag themselves. :man_shrugging: There are also other abilities/mechanics that don’t follow the Favor the Shooter programming.

That was for losing LoS, not range.

Keep in mind this is your ping to the server. That means how fast your connection is to the server, which is one factor of many.

There’s the speed of the actual wiring inside the computer, the latency of the other player, the send/return speed of the fiber-optic cable, the input lag of your monitor, and good old packet loss.

While yes, many of the speeds of the things I listed are negligible by themselves, when added together they can add up to considerable latency. Then there’s the fact that the system is shooter favored, like most online games.