Sombra hack is cc so tank passive should stop it

it stops you from playing the game so why doesn’t the cc passive help against hack? i swear someone on this dev team is a sombra main or why else would they allow this hero to remain as broken and annoying for this long.

Passive protects against displacement CC, hack is not a displacement.


hack is cancer and should have its impact made less as much as possible.

It’s already been gutted hard from OW1.

It used to lock you out of everything for 3 seconds, and could be chained. Just… Ow.

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I think it was more than 3s tbh.

In my memories it was around 5seconds


Thank god for that.

Somehow Sombra is still annoying in ow2 but I will take it any day over what we had in ow1.

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Something like that, it was basically death.

Yes and no

We relied less on our abilities to survive.

And sombra was really bad at killing people.

She was only used for her EMP in coordinated teams.

Other than that she was a throw pick and people asked you to switch

In other words it was a different game

In the right hands I should say, it was death. Remember the old 4 flank dps comps?

Sombra, Tracer, Genji, Doom. You could do nothing, so thank God it is a different game.

never encountered this comp so idk

If you’re stopping from playing while hacked, then that’s considered being AFK.