Sombra got screwed by contenders part 2

No because thats entirely subjective. There are tons of heroes i dont like to play against. That doesnt justify nerfs though.


You forget. Pro players hate Sombra.

Her situation has absolutely nothing to do with balance and everything to do with “Sombra stopped my Blink”.


I’ve always wondered how much a single extra damage per bullet would help Sombra. That’s the potential of 60 additional damage, but the spread is going to make sure that doesn’t happen in most situations.

There’s also ideas like to buff opportunist for Sombra to do 10% more damage to targets below 50%.

Another one was to give hack a passive to Sombra that she does extra damage to hacked targets.


Most Sombra players are against increased damage. It just puts her in an assassine role which she wasnt meant to do, makes her kind of Tracer 2.0 and devalues hacking over just shooting.
Applying a dmg buff to hacked target might be more realistic up for debate, but i dont like it because they would have to nerf her ult charge rate then in return, because she would get EMP faster that way.

Sombras main issues in the current playstyle she has is

  • Downtime management (has to spend too much time invis for set ups contributing nothing in the meanwhile)
  • Coordination with your team is hard because of lack of hack visuals and people not joining voice chat.

When they buff her they need to address these points.
Thats why many of us support an increase in base movement speed and hacked enemies should get the healthpack treatment and get timer skulls above their head and maybe should be visible through walls at 15m range.


I think when Deykar makes a sombra thread, the developer should listen to the feedback, sure there has been feedback since 2016 thats fallen into deaf ears, but what he says is important, trolls begone from this thread.


Should maybe res this thread?


I was watching Agilities basically one-tricking her last night and doing pretty well.

Agilities is a pro. Thats just the diffenrence in skill.
He would do good on any hero.


But she doesn’t need to be garbage either


Sombra is really good in the right hands. Unfortunately, she’s not that easy to play because she requires a lot of game sense and map knowledge as well as team coordination.

“Good in the right hands” literally means played below your level on any other hero.

She doesn’t need coordination, she needs choreography. Pre-planned and executed strategy. Comms would show viability higher on the ladder where it’s a given, but she needs more than that.


Sombra is okay’ish in the right hands with the right team. Overall even in GM she is not picked.


Because even in GM there’s not that much coordination going on.

Its gives me a headache every time i try to make EMP work effectively with the team. “Okay team lets do EMP/shatter. 3, 2, 1 and go”
I EMP, my Rein doesnt shatter for some reason. Despite hitting all 6 enemies we are making trades on both sides. Our Ana tries to save it by using nano on me. I didnt expect that, the enemy Rein charges me out of the fight. We lose the team fight.
“Rein why didnt you shatter?”
“I tought we already won the teamfight.”


I’ve used tire multiple times with EMP to great effect. “Quadruple kill!”

I’ve seen many contradicting arguments when it comes to Sombra and why she shouldn’t receive buffs. And a whole lot of bias. I think people genuinely don’t want her to be good.


Sadly, rip tire isnt that great in plat anymore. Most people can shoot it unless it comes from a really unpredictable off angle.

Coming from above is really good. Also depends on the situation. If they only have one person that can reliably kill it, like Hanzo, and he dies just before you use it, it’s pretty much guaranteed.

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That’s what I mean, it’s practised choreographed strategies. It goes beyond communication, and then people thinking for themselves, but actually just getting on and doing what was tested and practised perhaps hundreds of times before to get positioning and timing absolutely perfect.

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