Sombra glitch Rialto

Why is this still a thing? You can throw your TL in front or behind the payload and just wait for the payload to move over it. Then you translocate into the payload.


that should be hotfixed…

That sounds like way too much fun to be fixed. Also there’s a bug where sombra could translocate inside the big pillar in the first attacker’s spawn in Rialto.

That spunds like the opposite of fun for both teams.

A. the game becomes unwinnable for attackers.
B. The game becomes unlosable for defenders.

Where’s the challange? It’s just a game of “wait intil the time runs out.”


It needs to be fixed.

I did it by accident in one game. And I ended up leaving and losing my Endorsement level and taking a competitive penalty because that’s garbage and shouldn’t have happened. I didn’t want to ruin the game for everyone. It’s an exploit that can happen accidentally. And that’s garbage.

Please fix it, Blizzard. :confused:

Yes I tried to translocate out. But it wouldnt work for me.


Been there for a while, been reported I’ve even gotten credit for reporting people for doing it in game. Still there though which is funny because they just made a big deal about fixing the Symetra glitch with turrets and TP, but left the sombra glitch in.

Probably because the way they “fix” Symetra is to just not let her put her TP on those obejects any more. Sort of like they just stopped letting Sym put her TP in spawn to fix another problem.

Just be glad Blizzard didn’t just remove the ability to have the translocator around the payload, I could see them have it be destroyed like a mei wall if it gets close.

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Well then. This uh. Sounds interesting.

Should probably be looked into. If you can record it, I recommend posting it to the bug report section of the forums so blizz can see how you did it. That typically helps with fixing bugs.

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They know about it, just I think their stumped on how to fix it without breaking the ability. Since like I said before their solution is usually just to not allow an ability around the object in question.

They have punished players I’ve reported for the bug, and it’s been mentioned since the SOmbra changes hit PTR.

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But you can still kill her while she’s inside?

Have you not seen loads of videos about it?

She’s always going to have some part of her body poking out underneath or on top or somewhere. If that doesn’t work, just dragon strike

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That seems like something were a temporary band aid fix to prevent it while they work on a real solution might be the best course of action to me.

Since this is a bug that someone could feasibly create by complete accident, I’d be hesitant to report someone without proof that it was intentional.

Hopefully blizz does something about it soon, this bug while sounding initially hilarious is terrible.

But it’s fun for sombra

All they need to do is increase the collision box height. So that when it gets run over, it destroys it.

Yeah I know but you cannot take time to focus on that while a team fight is going on around.

I don’t report if they get inside the payload, I reported when they were inside the payload and kept spamming voice lines and other stuff.

And yes you might hit her toe or the like while in the payload but it’s fairly hard to kill her and even if you do she can go right back in fairly easily unless it’s on the dead last spot. If the person is sneaky about it you might not even notice why it’s always contested unless no one on her team is around it to make it obvious.

Dragon strike is the only sure fire way to get rid of her, but again she can go right back in if the payload has the space to do so. It also makes Sombra the best hero in the game to push the Payload with little to no risk to herself.

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You could have joined back in your spawn

I still lost endorsement for leaving, and even then it still penalized me when I re-joined (I think this happens frequently for a lot of people…rejoining & winning = still SR loss + penalty)

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2:18 to see some lovely sombra bugs

Hey, don’t get me wrong haha! I wasn’t trying to come across as blaming you for the reports. It’s completely understandable.

And yeah, I’d probably judge it based on their in game behavior.

It just happened to me lol. I leave the game cause the map wouldn’t load me to hero select and rejoin. Game still kicks me out and the leaver penalty runs out. Lost 50 sr.

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Well its there for way over a month now (and just got awareness since a month)

There are bugs where Sombra can throw her TL into wall all over the Place in almost every map.

Well there are around 7 different Sombra exploits (even more game-breaking once then sitting in the Payload) some are here since way longer then I can think of they just don’t get the awareness they should get.

The problem is that they not even mentioned it in the Known Issue list of 1.28.

You could use Dragon strike or any kind of Grav ability Zarya’s or Orisa’s (not in all direction for Rialto you could pull her out of the top) and there are some places you can sometimes hit her arm.

That would cause multiple other issues for TL normally they would fix it by placing you to the nearest save location (next to the payload in most cases).

And for anyone intrested in other Sombra bugs and Exploits: