Sombra Changes Hints?

Could we get a hint to what the Sombra changes will be? She’s my most played hero. Will the changes be Buffs or some sort of mini rework?

i think they dont want to give out the info cuz it may change

they said her chagnes are in flux meaning they could say one thing now but then in a day its no longer accurate

when they have a defined idea they’ll tell us

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I just hope they are overall buffs and no actually change to her kit. I know she has the lowest winrate and pickrate but for me that’s great since no one picks her. But I can see why they want to ‘change’ her. I’m just really hoping the changes won’t affect my play style and other Sombra mains play style too much

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honestly as much as i like her current kit, i cant imagine they can buff her in anyway that wont make her absolutely broken

like if for instance u give her more dmg, even like 10% more dmg she could possibely kill ppl more effeciently then tracer as she could stealth in behind ppl and land some quick headshots b4 anyone notices

if u make her stealth stronger, ppl will #%)# themselves with hatred

so i cant say i want it either way, but they may have to do a rework

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Some of the frustrations I’ve faced as a sombra main that could be buffed are:

  1. A single hit by anything will take you out of invisibility. Even a Dva bullet from across the map. So she could get like a limit to how much damage she could take while she’s invisible. Nothing to drastic. Maybe 25 hp or so?
  2. shrink her translocator hitbox. Many times you throw that thing trying to get high ground or something and a pole is barely in the way
  3. She could get The ability to hack while invisible, but not shoot
  4. Reduce The 2 second nerf she got when interrupted mid hack to 1 second or just remove it all together.
  5. get out of her invisibility faster. Around 0.5 seconds or so id say

Even if a few of these are done then she would be fine but all added would be amazing. There’s definitely more ideas out there but these are what I could come up with right now

Her needed changes are obvious:

  • Return of Ult charge from healthpacks, but at a third the original rate.
  • Stupid Hack LoS changes are reverted (they’re the main source of her problems now), but 2 second cooldown punishment remains.
  • Make it so leniency time on hack stays for Environment obstacles and and walls, but shields straight interrupt it.
  • Hack now stops Brigitte’s passive. No longer stops Lucio’s Aura, but still stops wallride and ability to switch aura.
  • Translocator Bug fixes

With these changes, she’d be perfectly balanced and fun.

A rework is completely unnecessary for Sombra and should not be the go-to solution for every problem Blizzard has. So if they resort to it, they will lose a lot of respect from their players.

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Well the reason she can hack certain passives are that they are all movement based passives. Genji and Hanzos wallclimb, Genjis double jump, Mercy’s glide, pharahs hover, and Lucios wallride all add mobility to them. Other passives, like Brigitte’s self heal through damage, Reapers self heal through damage, and Moiras self heal through damage, (very creative blizzard) may be button pressing based passives, but add no mobility. But you gave me another idea. Maybe sombras hack could disable every single passive ability too. Like junks bombs and Mercys self heal through time. (Hey at least it’s not through damage)