Sombra buff in its full glory



Seriously, this better just be PTR bugs that are going to be fixed before la…sudden uproarious laughter Oh man, couldn’t get through that with a straight face!

Seriously, though, why is Blizzard actively making Sombra unplayable?

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yeahhh stopped playing Sombra the first time she got rekt. Looks like nothings changed.

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Things ARE changing, though! They’re changing Sombra to be completely useless.


Is that you?

We were promised significant changes. They didn’t say they’d be significant useful changes.


I’d give you a like if i could but i ran out for today.

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Significant nerfs, because we wanted to buff the player experience winning… eh i mean playing against Sombra.

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In simple theory alone this ‘buff’ idea is terrible and doesn’t actually do anything at all to address her issues. What this ‘buff’ boils down to is this: She’s better at not being involved in the fight, for longer. IIRC, that’s not really what people have had an issue with.

I get it, she’s supposed to be a stealth hero and they don’t want her to actually function as a primary DPS: DPS should come secondary to hacking. But if they want to make her more useful as a hero, and more playable, they would find a way to integrate her hacking into her offensive abilities, not make her better at hiding.

Make her a weak DPS, sure, that’s where she’s at now. But rather than making hack and damage two distinct functions, integrate them so that each “X” round from her stupid uzi can “tag” her targets, and after so many tags they get hacked. Give her a “Smoke bomb” type of ability, or some other AoE, that helps her “tag” her targets. Do something to make her more than a simple hide-and-seek pro.


Shameless bump for a good topic refering to sombra’s “buffs”

I keep going back to how Team Fortress 2 in my head and how the stealth mechanics in that game work. Going by the PTR’s patch, Stealth has basically become the Cloak and Dagger, an unlockable invisibility watch for the Spy. How it works is the Spy is invisible as long as he doesn’t move, allowing him to hide, hang out and pick his moment to strike. In theory that’s how New Sombra should work. Then again, Sombra’s Stealth is detectable four meters away (compared to how in TF2 you have to accidentally run into the Spy to discover him), has the loud decloak sound and Sombra’s accompanying voiceline capable of being heard 15 meters away (compared to the much quieter decloak sound and no voiceline of the Spy) and the fact the Spy has a one-hit kill ability and Sombra’s has none (and her damage is laughably poor), I can’t see how this is a buff.