Sombra bottom-tier again

Again? I’m pretty sure the word you were looking for is “still”.

I’m fairly sure her damage won’t ever get buffed, because the idea behind Sombra, is that she is a “disruptor” not a frontal dps, but her hack got nerfed because people found it annoying.
What else can be changed on her? Her mobility cooldowns are already really low, and the delay makes them bad for in-combat use.

Go hack Brigette… 2 birds 1 stone

Fix bugs, add timer skulls to hacked targets, reduce stealth delays.

Hate to ask this, but has Sombra ever not been bottom tier?


Not only is she “bottom-tier again”, she’s straight up worse off than if they had never “buffed” her in the first place.


I thought that if communication was the problem, pro teams would be doing better with Sombra than the players in comp are. When I last looked at the stats, both OWL and comp had Sombra with a 46% win rate.

I don’t often - if ever, post in the forums. With that being said, I have found it very difficult to play Sombra effectively now. I play to the tune of some 100+ hours I believe and for the 2 weeks that she was buffed, she was in a good position.

Her winrate barely climbed, however, which suggests she was still not very effective (or, gasp, not enough time went by to evaluate her new position!). Never the less, she was nerfed worse than before she was buffed.

At this point, I would rather she be fully reverted and give her ult charge with healthpack hacks. The amount of times the hacks just bug out now is asinine. Completely full-view players that just don’t get hacked because a blade of grass blocked the foot of the target you were hacking.

What is the point in putting in a punishment of 2 second instant cooldown of a skill when trying to use it. Completely counter-intuitive to the game’s play style. Especially when the game has no ammo conservation. Bullets are flying all over the place all the time. A Dva pellet from 100 yards away not even being directed at you and doing less than 1hp of damage stops the hack.

These nerfs have now been out way longer than her ‘buff’ and it’s clear there are huge problems with the direction she is being driven. She deserves to have a chance to show if she is actually broken with her buffs - more than the sub 2 weeks she was out.

Make Sombra Great (can’t even say ‘again’).


If they go baby steps, people will complain that the buffs aren’t happening fast enough.

If they go quickly (Bastion Buffs), people will complain about how hasty the dev team is being and how they went way overboard.

I’ll take the baby steps, personally.

i like these types of people

It’s clear that this baby step thing is not effective.

It’s not effective because they’re making a single step per month :V

Wanna know something funny?

All these complaints about bash, stun, knockback, etc…

If only there were a hero in the game that could prevent all that, even if for a precious few seconds…

If only…

:mexico: :computer:


Just because Sombra likes to be a bottom doesn’t mean you should be mean to her.

That’s what it might seem like in theory, but this new meta made her drop down to the lowest winrate and pickrate on Overbuff

I am sad that they claimed they keep an eye on her and still no fixes on the new ptr.

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i think there could be another buffs to sombra, lets not buff hack anymore.

how about a simple, yet effective buff?

  • Sombra deals 100(50)% extra damage while attacking from the back

  • Reduce delay between coming to stealth and beeing able to do anything again

  • Remove the god damn “HEY BOYS IM HERE KILL ME” voice line, only leave a small decloaking sound

Proceeds to delete roadhog in one clip.

if he doesnt turn arround…he kinda diserves it…

how about: Increase her damage against hacked enemies

How much? For Sombra only? Stacks with discord?

  • 20% ish
  • Sombra Only
  • Yes

I wasn’t in the forums when Sombra got buffed and nerfed so maybe things we’re different here but, I only saw pros complain about Sombra at her strongest. And then Sombra got nerfed with the speed I wish they would use on heroes that are actually OP. That being said: Reinhardt needs a way to fight her, she just removes him without any counter play from the Rein, and relying on his team is not an answer.