Sombra = bad? I don't get it. Can a Sombra-hater explain?

I’m just curious where all this Sombra hate is coming from. I swear last month no one was whining about Sombra, but this month we get daily threads asking for Sombra to be removed.

Which is weird and unexpected, considering we got Venture released. I figured there would be more tears because of our little mole friend ruining games.

I get it, some people don’t like the idea of an enemy lurking in the shadows ready to force you to play re-spawn simulator. And yes, spy checking every corner isn’t exactly fun. I don’t like having to shoot empty air in the hopes I flushed out that pesky Sombra.

But is it really that bad? I try to keep an open mind, but I just don’t see Sombra being that annoying to play against.


after her virus rework is when the complaining started ramping up. i remember at first not so much but then sombra started increasing in pickrate DRAMATICALLY and at one time was only behind soldier in most picked dps. thats when the daily complaints came in along with a bit each season.

basically it all started with the virus rework. the massive complaints i mean and i think it has to do with that it made her more of a spawn camper which can be efficient sometimes and yea…with virus its just easier for her than before.

i have spawn camped a little pre-virus sombra but of course people could fight back. usually i would pester widow a lot but good widows would get me. with virus its a lot harder for widow lawl

basically giving up front burst damage to a stealth hero wasnt a bright idea


I hate playing against Widow waaaay more than a Sombra. At least with Sombra I have a chance. That woosh sound and the animation delay on hack gives me a chance to counter play Sombra.

Against Widow? Don’t peak? That’s my counterplay?

If I played against a Sombra that hard-focused only me, I might understand. Out of all the dps roster, Sombra is the only one that can play that style. All other dps will be indiscriminate on who they attack. Sombra, due to her kit, can play a ‘Only kill support’ very well. And I can see this being frustrating.

But I have not had a single game where the Sombra only attacked one player or one role.


it was worse with her rework BEFORE the global health buffs. she could instagib people faster i think before season 9 for sure. now with the health buffs it helped a little but they did increase virus impact damage for a bit but they took that back lol

now i think too most heroes they can fight back but it is annoying losing half your health in the initial confrontation if she lands it freely

usually i dont hack the enemy player since they can avoid the virus after

i just straight out virus sometimes. yea it does less damage but the enemy is more under pressure to recover

Before hitbox buff I (DPS high silver/low gold) was able to 100-0 a support in that elimination mode (the kpop event?).
2 days ago I had a taste of being 100-0 in my gold 5 comp game

I don’t entire blame Sombra though, that hitbox buff is beyond ridiculous and it reached the other strong “R”-word.

Her gameplay loop is this.

Wait till everyone starts having a good time. Hack a support. Virus. Shoot in their general direction. Teleport away and turn invisible. Repeat ad nauseam.


Wait till everyone starts having a good time. Hack the tank. Teleport away and invis. Hack the tank. Teleport away and invis. Hack the…well you get the idea.

Sombra never bothered me in Oldwatch, but now she is awful no matter what they do to her.


Ok I get it, but her kit isn’t hard to counter.

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i think its compiled due to the character/playstyle changes mentioned
ON TOP of the basic counter which was Voice Communication

Now NOBODY is in chat for fear of autoban.
and i believe they turned off text and voice chat by default for new accounts? not sure

ping system is ok but sometimes you cant stop shooting to whip around and ping.
by the time your character says “HEY, OVER THERE” and by the time your teammates figure out where the ping is coming from, its too late.

it was far easier to say “sombras behind” or “sombras lurking for hack behind”
but now very rare that people are listening


Sombra has a low pick rate and a low win rate. She’s just not fun to play into (which should matter more to game design than pick rate and win rate stats)

People just hate the idea of her and that they die to her when they misplay, themselves.

She’s a solo hero that requires teamwork or self-peel/skill to counter, and since the cosmetic “2” was added on the game has been rewarding teamplay less and less, creating a solo culture that is poised to obliviously mald about Sombra.

Incorrect. It’s do effectively nothing while building ult, wait for enemy Sigma or Moira to ult and Hack it off, then EMP the final teamfight at the exact right moment to secure your team the win (or flame your team if they couldn’t clutch it after all that).

It’s not just about her being annoying to play against.

She gatekeeps, that is the issue.

Wanna play Mauga, Sigma, Doom or Ball? Nope, sorry your entire game is going to be handicapped and your ult is most likely going to get cancelled too.

Wanna play Widow? Nope you’ll get hunted and killed all game.

Wanna play Mercy? Nope all your rezzes get hacked.

Wanna play Moira? Nope, all your ults get cancelled.

Wanna play anything that uses a vital channeled ability or ult? Lol.

You know what the best part is? It requires zero skill or precision to do so and most of the time there is no way to stop it.


And they ruined Mirrorwatch by adding that character. Can’t escape her and have fun anywhere.

There are things players(other than those who play it ofc) usually hate, but the developers love absolutely, b/c developers more watch the game rather than play.

One of them is sudden attack/death. It’s the same why people hate snipers.

It’s so fun to watch people die from Sombra/Widow/Moira/Turrets/Hook/Boop/Grip/etc., but the players ofc absolutely hate it.

It was ok-ish when OW had not many heroes, but as more heroes are added, there are more chances that a person can’t stand some of the heroes to the point he uninstalls the game, esp. when those heroes are somewhat extreme like in OW. So we need hero bans imo.

Before her rework, being a good sombra actually meant something. It was impressive. Now she is designed to be easy to play and easy to get a value with. In the past, sombra was like the elite dps, only for high IQ engagements, for individuals who thought the game is not hard enough. Now sombra is just anouter hard counter pick that is very annoying.

She is annoying to play with and against. A perma invis character with death escape and teamfight winning ult, a hack ability that cancels 50% of the tank ults, and she is given burst damage and sustain damage. That is the textbook definition of Marry Sue.

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i dont think the hero overall was the embodiment of design by the hero team. of course with blizzard there is the stealth hero and they brang that to “fps scene” with sombra like rogues from wow, spy from tf2 and other invisible characters from other fps games?

the thing about sombra in the beginning was she was a dps with low damage but other abilities to make up for that. invisibility, scouting and crowd control… a support dps.

of course after that they have improvised heavily on that. i did like ow2 season 1 sombra SO MUCH but yea arguements of her op’ness are valid

Honestly you can do pretty well with Sombra by fighting with your team and using virus on half-health targets while hacking the tank/Lucio/Venture. It’s a pretty good backup strategy if the enemy team is spychecking a lot or quick to turn on you when you try for flanks.

that’s why I say, being a good sombra before the rework was very impressive. if we had a sombra and we won, I was always surprised.

Probably a bunch of Doom, Ball and Widow players.

Yes. It is.

Just playing Sombra allows you pull the enemies attention without even being anywhere remotely near them. Being invisible means she can approach from the most optimal position every time at the most inopportune time for the enemy… and there’s no countering it without diverting your attention to spy check.

Her presence shuts down existence of mobility based heroes entirely with no options for counter play. Hack is just that powerful. Even just 1 second of losing your ability to move is instant death. They somehow made it worse than OW1’s stun mechanic.