(Solved) Stomped 1 fight >SBD left> match wont count

Edit: A user named Faking just commented that this is the case where the leaver was AFK and didnt select a hero / didnt fire a single shot and was kicked by the server, hence the match cancellation is fair for everyone.

This is beyond infuriating. I have had 3 games like this now where we win first engagement handily and 1 enemy rage quit / left the game to take the hit for the team and match doesn’t count.

How is this a thing??? Cant u make it so if some damage has been done, the match would count but only heavily punish the leaver? or just punish the entire team anyway if u think it could be exploited.

Well firstly, if one team is stomping another it’s either because of them having a bad strategy or because there is a high skill disparity.

If it’s the latter then it would be logical to not make the match count due to the fact that the match wasn’t even properly balanced to begin with.

If it’s the former, then of course we can adding heavier punishments and so forth, though I don’t think it will really matter a lot since typically these users ragequit instead of actually trying to dodge the game to help their team.

This is solo q im talking about so that would mean the ranking system is completely busted. If the matching is made then i dont think having a way to dodge AFTER a fight had alrdy taken place is healthy for the game. Like in DotA2 this would only happen if a DC happened BEFORE 1st blood.

Also in one of the game it wasn’t even a big stomp. We were defending on Gibralta and I Mei-walled some of them, we traded like 3 for 1 and SBD on enemy just quits. It’s so frustrating especially after losing a couple games in a row, potentially getting an easy win, and then this happen. I mean if this persists i fear for the future of the game :smiley:

You “stomped” those fights because they had one person afk/not picking a hero.
If you take/deal damage and then leave the game doesn’t cancel.

then make the game cancel before any fight happens!!

nope, that is not true. ive had the same experience… rush point. team wipe. leaver. game canceled.

edit: instead of making stuff up like Oatmeal there… ill share what i HEARD, so take w/ a grain of salt. one of the gm streamers once said its a leave within 60 seconds, another i heard say 52 seconds… can not confirm either myself. but seems to be accurate.

Double edit: apparently its 30seconds?? link below


Update: I just had a game where 2-3 ppl on enemy were AFK and it cancelled. This is fine but sometimes if only 1 player went missing it’s hard to know and it’s super irritating xD. Just make the AFK kick happen faster maybe?

so what you experienced was… when people are grouped… if 1 person disconnects / afk’s… it kicks the entire group… if they reconnect, the entire group reconnects… had it happen twice so far.

That is how it used to work in OW1 back in the old days. They changed it sometime in the last two years to be that the game is only cancelled if the person has not participated at all in the match. The games that are cancelled are usually those where they have not even picked a character yet. Once they shoot a gun the game doesn’t get cancelled.

So those stomps mentioned here are games where you are winning a 5 v 4.

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Thank you for the clarification. Now i can get over all those games. :sweat_smile:

again… i have personally experienced team wipes where the game is still cancelled. and ive only been playing for 4 months. sooooo… is the game counting a team wipe for 4man and 1 afk in spawn? possibly one of the kill feeds is fake?