SOLUTION: Just remove the role queue

And how did that work out for us the first time?

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How much effort did you put into it the first time?


I think role queue will eventually be removed when the hero roster bulks up. It feels like Blizzard fault for trying to baby the competitive players in diamond and lower who complain about every meta hero. They’re not all overpowered and most of them are counter-able. Blizzard needs to add more heroes so people have more choices.

Can’t just go Mccree and Brigitte vs doomfist every game lmao.

I mean if you say so then it has to be true :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :partying_face:


Not sure what that Google Trends page is supposed to show. I see a line going downwards over time.

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This entire statement is wrong. The polls aren’t accurate because of there being so few participants. Not only are there so few of them, they’re almost always the same people, meaning that it’s just the same 100ish people voting. The forums are a very biased group of the playerbase, saying that the same polls with the same people represents the whole is wildly inaccurate and extremely ignorant, especially when you say that only because it supports your own views.

Well, watch them do something foolish like implement 1-3-2 or some other joke. If blizzard make competitive for classic overwatch then role queue will be dead but of course they don’t dare.

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Who is this yall you write about?

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:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

This, sadly you have better thought process than these devs. Instead of a simple hero ban (brig) the devs just buffed all dps instead, powercreep the game beyond return then implement role q.

OP wants 3/0/3 to be meta and 1/4/1 to be played in ladder games.

I’m happy with role queue, even though I’d have preferred a simple hard cap on the number of heroes in a role before that role becomes locked for others (preferably 2/3/2). If that doesn’t replace it, I’d rather keep the role queue rather than go back to what we had before.

Yep, but can you see where roles starts?

The idea that roleQ forced out a bunch of people isn’t true. The “mass leaving” never happened.

Lmaooo the fact that there are still people in 2020 that are using the broken mess of a system that still is LFG as an ““argument”” against 2/2/2 role - lock is more than ridiculous at this point…


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You would expect population or interest decay in any game over time. What you would expect if RQ wasn’t popular is a precipitous decline around when RQ was released which, given this chart, is in fact the opposite of what’s observed; there’s a spike in interest around the announcement of RQ (Jul '19), followed by a return to baseline and then another spike around Nov '19 when OW2 was announced.

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How bout removing the buffs to fight GOATs? Just because devs are slow to make necessary changes doesn’t mean that role queue should go away. Just means they should be faster.

I adore role queue in comp, and if it went away, I probably would too. (Though, I would take role queue away from quickplay tbh. Or swap QPC and role queue QP, so that role queue QP is in the arcade rotation instead.)

Maybe they played MH instead

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No. If they do this I won’t play any more. 222 is simple and effective and creates the balance the majority of the community have asked for since 4 years ago.

The queue shows just how badly off-balance the roles are. <2 to play tank >10 to play DPS. That means there’s a HELL of a lot more DPS players than tanks. <3 to play support means there’s more than tank but the pool is very small. This ins’t Blizzard’s punishment like DPS mains always cry about, it’s their own fault for demanding to quickly get into a comp match for a massively overfilled role. Learn to flex, that is the point of the game the devs want us to take away.

I like to play support best, but I’m good at tank and I sometimes wait to DPS. If they go back to how it was and I end up in matches with 5 DPS or 4 DPS and 1 tank and then, again, get flamed, raged and harassed it ruins the match. No support wants to solo 5 people, especially if there’s more than 1 tank. That isn’t balanced.

I wonder if you’re a DPS player that doesn’t want to wait 12 minutes for a match?


The polls have been held across different platforms, so the populations by default are not the same. Moreover asserting that the same participants are responding each time is both unlikely across platforms and even within a single platform, especially since these polls have been held by both supporters and detractors of 222.

Consistent results in spite of context changes suggests a very durable response from your target audience. If you can find a single piece of supporting evidence AGAINST RQ please provide it.

So youre saying the people on reddit aren’t the people on the forum. They are though…

A mass leaving doesn’t need to occur to prove that people are against Role Queue. People may simply accept it despite not liking it.

Not necessarily, and there’s a spike in INTEREST. Interest doesn’t equal support. It’s entirely possible to be interested in (curious about, hence Google would get more queries for “Overwatch”) but dislike, role queue.